Preparation classes:Let our children be!

April 05, 2014
Last updated May 17, 2024
A-Levels 2025

I think such preparation classes are a waste of time and money. Children will study everything later on, then why are they compelled to study things which are beyond their level and understanding? Even if they do attend such classes, I don’t think they will understand anything.

Children are innocent that they only want to play and enjoy rather than study. And if we enroll them in such preparation classes, deduct their leisure time, they might be depressed. So I think it only aids to add the burden on the immature brains rather than helping them.

Every child should get good education and no one can deny it. Then why such unnecessary preparation classes are being made compulsory in order to get admission? Thus, I suggest schools to provide an environment to motivate children rather than putting obstacles in front of them.

— Raman Parajuli

Entrance examination is quite vital nowadays. Obviously it is very essential for senior-level students, but for primary level, it is unnecessary. Primary-level children are too young to understand what entrance exam is. Schools are being more conscious of their prosperity and reputation than children’s education. So they are just forcing them to study things that are beyond their understanding.

Moreover, it is like a money minting source for schools. Parents have to pay a certain amount for the entrance exam irrespective of whether their children pass or fail. It is apparent that there has to be criteria for selection but the study materials should be understandable.

In conclusion the pre-admission criteria has to be enjoyable so that those little ones do not feel burdened.

— Jigyasha Pokhrel (Mishra), Boudha, Kathmandu

The system of entrance examination for children is not good. Entrance examination cannot be a touchstone to shape the minds of the children. Children should be given proper knowledge and good environment in the classroom for their better future. Knowledge cannot be acquired by force, rather it should be gained by mutual cooperation between teachers and children. By this act, children can be prepared for future endeavours.

— Suraj Sharma, Kirtipur

 It is true that nowadays children are subjected to preparation classes from a very young age. But the educational system is not to be solely blamed for it. In this era, competition has grown by leaps and bounds. Unemployment rate is increasing day by day and candidates are expected to perform well in every field. Thus, parents want the very best schools for their children.

For schools, entrance examination is a must, because it is the only way to evaluate the standard of a child. A few good schools cannot admit every student. In the process, the bar of standard for admission gets raised. Ultimately, the sufferers are the children who are left with no option but to mug up concepts that are beyond their level and understanding, leaving no time for leisurely activities. Although stress-free childhood is being lost, no particular authority can be blamed for it. It is for the parents to understand the need to slow down a little and let children learn according to their age and grasping ability.

— Shilpa Agrawal

Nowadays a new trend is seen where small children are subjected to preparation classes just to get admission in the primary level, which is not necessary because young children don’t know about entrance exam and it is meaningless to them. Primary level is a base and the first step of education for children. Every child has the right to get school-level education. Therefore, entrance exam is just a show off. This practice should be stopped and equal opportunity should be given to every child.

With all this, why is the academic sector giving priority to such useless things? This is shameless for those who think they are intellectual. They are well educated fools because they are encouraging this trend instead of stopping it.

— Rajan Bajracharya, Brahma Tole, Kathmandu

We grownups have so many tension regarding preparation classes, entrance examinations and feel pressurised, then how can young children bear such a situation? Rather than preparing a child for examinations, I personally feel it’s an indirect method of earning money by the institutions. The world is becoming competitive, it’s true, I agree, but does this quite necessarily mean we handover such a stressful environment to a child? Children are meant to have stress-free life during their childhood. Pushing them towards entrance examination classes will make them materialistic even before they fathom the concept. So these classes aren’t appropriate and in no way will it help children.

— Arzu Piya, Talchikhel

Entrance examination is necessary to select deserving students for admission. But, it is insignificant for small children to join preparation classes just to get admission in the primary-level. It is a wrong practice! I don’t think those classes benefit children. There is no need to pressurise students. Nowadays, there are some institutes providing such preparation classes. But, those institutes are organising such classes only for profit motive. When the time comes children will face that pressure of competiveness, but until then, they should not be robbed of their childhood.

— Rasbin Rijal, Biratnagar

Entrance exams are not bad when it comes to admission of children in schools, but we can observe that young children get subjected to such preparation classes in the name of admission. This practice is torturous and must be done away with as such types of school are playing with the emotion of these children. There are also cases when these children are compelled to study against their will and beyond their capacity which is really cruel and absurd. So, such type of outdated technique must be removed from the country as soon as possible and entrance exams promoting the talent and capacity of young children should be promoted and widely used.

— Pratik Shrestha,  Buddhanagar, Baneshwor

 In my opinion, subjecting young children to preparation classes is not essential just to get admission. This is more of a burden on children at such a tender age. Moreover, if they are subjected to such classes, then they may generate a feeling of hesitation towards studies and this may lead to decrease in curiosity to learn further. Some children may not even be enthusiastic about going to school because they face a burden in the preparation classes. Hence, it would not be good for children to be subjected to those preparation classes to get admission in the primary level. Instead they must be taught gradually proceeding from simple to complex topics.

— Pratiksha Regmi

 In my opinion, to read or to teach both are not harmful, but these days people are making every excuse to mint money. The educational sector is not untouched from such a virus. Similarly, the tuition mania has also taken a grip of parents, as even their psyche has changed. The more their child goes for tuition, the more they feel proud. It may be partially agreed that, these days, competition has increased and without extra coaching children may not fare as well as they can. I suppose preparation classes is just becoming a fashion and a part of competition these days.

— Anita Chaulagain, Mid- Baneshwor, Kathmandu

 Entrance examination is commonly known as the exam conducted to choose selective, competitive and qualitative few for a specific grade. In Nepal entrance exam is carried out with a motive to eliminate maximum students applying for limited seats. This condition is also applicable to children. Children in primary level are compelled to go through tough entrance

examination. Kathmandu-based renowned and so-called superior schools are ahead in terms of taking entrance exams and some of the commercial educational institutes earn a huge sum of money in the name of entrance preparation class targeted for primary-level schools. This educational evil is not only troubling parents/guardians but also killing the creativity of children by imposing a big pressure of studies on them. So, primary-level entrance examinations should be discouraged and no educational consultancy should be allowed to conduct such entrance preparatory classes.

— Birat Anupam, Dharan-13, Sunsari

No one is a genius by birth. For a small child of three or four years old who is getting ready to enter primary-level school, there is no need of pre-admission criteria. The age of such children is to play, sing, and dance and do whatever they like that comes into their innocent mind. Thus, it is very unfair to force them to study things that are beyond their level of understanding in the name of pre-admission preparation classes. Instead of this, the school should focus on developing basic practical aspects such as eating on their own, tying shoe lace, watering the plant and so on alongside teaching basic alphabets and numbers. As they grow up, they will certainly develop competencies like knowledge, skill, attitude and potential for growth of their creative mind along with their age.

— Manjit Dahal, MBS Ist year, Shanker Dev Campus
