Potential Reasons for Unsatisfactory Grade 12 Result - NEB

September 09, 2022
Last updated May 11, 2024
A-Levels 2025

It has been found that the result of class 12 of 2079 released by the National Examination Board has dropped slightly as of the previous year.

This year 188,410 students have received non-grades in class 12. Out Of the total 363,008 candidates, 52.04 percent of the students got non-grade. Among the total participants, 363,001  were regular, 30,045 students were for grade increments, and 3,132 students were partial.

According to the results, there are 4,179 students with GPAs of 3.6-4.0, but the number of students with GPAs above 3.8 is very low. There are no students with a 4.0 GPA this year. 30,107 students scored 3.2-3.6 GPA. Similarly, 65,284 students scored 2.8-3.2, 64,093 students scored 2.4-2.8, and 10,900 hundred students scored 2.0-2.4.

In 2078, 7,063 students obtained a GPA of 3.6. Due to the third wave of covid-19, the 2077 exam was conducted at the home center, while in 2078, when the board designated the center and conducted the exam in the physical presence of the students, only 4,179 students got a GPA of 3.61 to 4.

After more than 50 percent of the students failed the class 12 examination, the interest of the people concerned has increased in the government's investment in the curriculum, class load, teaching, and learning at the school. 

Chairman of the board, Dr. Sharma, says, "This year, 188,410 students have been classified as non-graded. Only 130,878 students who score less than the prescribed percentage in two subjects can participate in the grade enhancement examination. However, 1,532 students who got non-grades in more than two subjects have to take the exam in all subjects next year. According to this, out of 3,132 people who took the partial exam, 1,288 (only 41.12 percent) people have passed. He also informed that there is no place to be satisfied with the current results, so it is necessary to work hard from all levels to raise the educational quality. 

Educationist Bidya Nath Koirala said that the results have fallen for three main reasons. "The trend of liberal grade promotion from a young age is wrong. Weak students were promoted from the bottom, and the results have been seen now," he said, "Letter grading has also affected the learning of students." He also mentioned that the problem is non-effective teaching and learning due to the misconception that letter grading does not cause failure in the class. He said it is a matter of concern that many students fail in English and mathematics.

While stating the difference between learning or teaching through technological systems and textbooks has also caused problems in the results, educationist Koirala said that there is a gap between the way of teaching in the classroom and the way that students like to study. Students want to have technical learning, and teachers only teach using textbooks. It is necessary to have technical learning too to improve student learning.

Suprabhat Bhandari, Central President of Nepal Parents' Association, complains that about 51 percent of students fail in the results of class 12, which is sad, and it is clear that the educational quality is not satisfactory. He says, 'Currently, the teaching and learning in the classroom is weak, it is necessary to address the weaknesses of the teachers in quality teaching, the foundation of the school is becoming weak, the curriculum is also playing a role in this. With this result, a question has also been raised that the teachers were not excellent. President Bhandari states that we cannot just blame the covid pandemic as a reason for poor results. He said that it is necessary to find whether there is regular learning in the class, whether there is quality education or not, whether the teacher is good or not, and whether there are weaknesses in implementing the curriculum.

Birendra Jayana, Central Treasurer of the Higher Secondary School Association of Nepal (HISSAN), said that teaching and learning could not be effective due to the two-year lockdown caused by the Covid pandemic; the results have declined. 'There was a lockdown for two years, the result of the SEE exam was not good at that time, I had to study class 11 through online classes, there was a lack of subject teachers, there was no learning environment, more than half of the students studying in most of the schools in Kathmandu valley returned to their villages, they were not even allowed to take online classes in the villages, so how can  we expect the results to be good?'

According to Treasurer Jayana, the result of the community school may have further deteriorated because not everyone has access to laptops and mobile phones, even in online classes. He says the current results have raised questions about the state's investment, the parents' investment, and the student's future.

Deepika Thapa, Central Vice President of Private and Residential School Organization (Pabson), says that the corona epidemic is the main reason for the unsatisfactory results. She said that online classes' teaching and learning system is not practical and affects the results.
