PhD Degree Awarded in 2020 by IOST Tribhuvan University

February 18, 2021
Last updated June 13, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University awarded 13 PhD Degree in 2020. Thirteen scholars from 7 different subjects got PhD degree in this period.


SN Name Subject Research Title
1 Jarina Joshi Biotechnology

Production of Bioethanol by Electrochemical Redox Coupled with Microbial Cells Using ignocellulosic Biomass.

2 Suresh Prasad Gupta Physics

Study of Cross Sections for Ionization and Electron Capture Process

3 Subha Ratna Shakya Zoology

Effict of Choerospondias Axillaris (Roxb.) B.L. Burtt & A.W. Hill (lapsi fruit) on growth, biochemical, and immune-haematological performance in fishes

4 Dibya Shree Shrestha Chemistry

Preparation, Characterization and Application of Nanoporous Activated Charcoal from Plant Resources

5 Bhesha Raj Adhikari Physics

Kinetic Trajectory Simulation Model for Magnetized Plasma Sheath

6 Bishnu Prasad Upadhyay Microbiology

Molecular Epidemiology and Antigenic Characterization of Influenza viruses Circulating in Nepal

7 Kritika Gautam Microbiology

Studies on extended- Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL,) producing Salmonella and E. Coli Isolates from Clinical Samples of Nepal.

8 Sudhir Rajaure Geology

Seismic Hazard Analysis of Nepal

9 Gaj Ram Damai Mathematics

Nearest Points and proximity

10 Bindu Pokharel Bhattarai Botany

Ecophysiology of Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Scheiden (Greater Duckweed)

11 Richa Kukmari Gupta Chemistry

Isolation and Characterization of Sceondary Metabolites from Rheum Species Growing in Nepal and their Target Oringed Synthesis

12 Jyoti Giri Chemistry

Wheat Stalk Micro and Nanocellulose Based Degradable Polymer Composites: Morphological, Mechanical and Degradation Behaviour

13 Binod Lekhak Microbiology

Screening and characterization of bioactive actinomycetes and their products from Nepal against multidrug resistant bacteria and fungi
