Personalities who received Prize/Medals in 36th Education Day


September 08, 2015
A-Levels 2025

President of Nepal, Dr Ram Baran Yadav conferred the Nepal Bidhya Bhusan medals on 229 people on the occasion of the 36th National Education Day 2015, today.

The President conferred the Nepal Bidhya Bhusan ‘A’ class to 141; ‘B’ class to 74; and the ‘C’ class to 14 students at an investiture held at the Rashtrapati Bhawan, Sheetal Niwas Tuesday morning.

The students receiving the degree of PhD are conferred with the ‘A’ class medals, those securing the highest grades in the examinations under different faculties in the Master level conducted by different universities the ‘B’ class medals and those scoring highest marks and grades at the Bachelor level the ‘C’ class medals.

On the occasion, President Yadav presented the Nepal Chhatra Bidhya Padak medals to 31 women. This medal is conferred on the highest scorers among the female students in the Bachelor level in different faculties.

The slogan for this year’s Education Day is – Quality Education for Sustainable Development, Safe Educational Institutions for All.

Present at the investiture ceremony were Vice President Paramananda Jha, Education Minister Chitra Lekha Yadav, the high officials of the Government of Nepal. 

Few days ago, Ministry of Education published the list of Best Performing Schools of Nepal . Selected schools were also conferred award today. 

From this year, MoE has started awarding best technical schools affiliated to the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training and best colleges across the country.

MoE handed over the best technical school award to Morang-based Manmohan Memorial Polytechnic Institute , Kathmandu-based Kathmandu Model Hospital School of Nursing , Kaski-based Manipal Ganesh School of Medical Science, Banke-based Bheri Technical School and Doti-based Seti Technical School.  These technical schools received Rs 25,000 each.

३६ औं राष्ट्रिय शिक्षा दिवसमा पुरस्कृत हुने महानुभावहरुको नामावली

३६ औं राष्ट्रिय शिक्षा दिवस तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय साक्षरता दिवस, २०७२ को अवसरमा शिक्षा मन्त्रालय अन्तरगतका कर्मचारी, विश्वविद्यालयका प्रध्यापक तथा कर्मचारी, सामुदायिक तथा संस्थागत विद्यालयका शिक्षक, कर्मचारी तथा व्यवस्थापन समितिका पदाधिकारी, शिक्षाप्रेमी, शिक्षासेवी, पत्रकार लगायतका ७१८ जना महानुभावहरुलाई पदक,प्रमाण पत्र तथा प्रशंसा पत्र द्वारा पुरस्कृत गरिएको छ । 

पुरस्कृत हुने महानुभावहरुको नामावली निम्नानुसार छ ।

३६ औं राष्ट्रिय शिक्षा दिवसमा पुरस्कृत हुने महानुभावहरुको नामावली 
