Panel formed to recommend Medical Education Commission’s vice-chair

January 18, 2018
Last updated October 06, 2021
A-Levels 2025


Kathmandu, January 17

The Cabinet meeting today decided to form a three-member task force to recommend names for the position of vice-chair of Medical Education Commission.

The team is headed by Chairman of Public Service Commission Umesh Prasad Mainali with Cabinet Secretary Khagaraj Baral and Dr Dibya Singh Shah, Nephrologist at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, as members.

The task force has been entrusted with recommending three names to the prime minister for the position of vice-chair of MEC within 30 days. From among the three names recommended by the task force, the prime minister will approve one candidate for the post.

Similarly, the Cabinet has decided to give continuity to Dr Jagdish Prasad Agrawal as the dean of Institute of Medicine.

“The agreement with Dr Govinda KC has been implemented. The head hunting committee will now have to recommend candidates for the position of vice-chair of Medical Education Committee. The first meeting of the task force will be held on January 24/25,” said Health Minister Deepak Bohara.

“It is a positive initiative of the government and we hope that the task force will accomplish its task within the given deadline. We thank the government and are hopeful about implementation of the Cabinet decision,” said Dr KC.

Dr KC had ended his 14th fast unto death protest on January 13 after signing a five-point agreement with the government talks team.

The government had agreed to form a committee to recommend candidates for the vice-chair of Medical Education Commission within seven days and recommend to the concerned agency through the Chancellor of Tribhuvan University to give continuity to Dr Agrawal as the dean of Institute of Medicine.

Similarly, the Ministry of Health will provide financial assistance for reform in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital.

As per the agreement, the senate meeting of Tribhuvan University will be called immediately to make amendments to TU rules and regulations regarding the return of rights to Institute of Medicine.

Source : (The Himalayan Times)
