Over 99-Fold Surge in Applications for Secondary Level Teaching Positions

January 31, 2024
Last updated June 18, 2024
A-Levels 2025

The Teacher Service Commission had earlier issued an advertisement for the recruitment of third-grade teachers at the secondary level on the 8th of Poush, 2080, and a total of 43,888 individuals have submitted their applications.

In response to the open competitive examination announced for 442 vacant positions (including amendments), an impressive 99.29% of the required number applied to participate.

According to Krishna Prasad Dhungana, the commission's information officer, 42,643 candidates have successfully verified revenue to qualify for the examination as of Magh 17, 2080. Candidates failing to clarify their revenue status promptly as per the announcement will not be permitted to participate in the exam.

Since Magh 17, more than 73 times the number of vacant posts have applied, and the regular fee application period continues until Magh 18. The commission accepted regular fee applications until the 8th of Magh and with a double fee until the 15th of Magh.

The Commission has introduced six additional positions in various subjects in Gandaki Province, including Nepali, English, Mathematics, Science, Social, and Office Administration and Accountancy. These additions align with the rights of respective provinces and subjects, and the Commission has accordingly adjusted previously announced positions.

As per the commission's advertisement, a total of 436 vacancies were announced across various subjects, with 67 for Nepali, 79 for English, 85 for Mathematics, 124 for Science, 53 for Social, 7 for Economics, 15 for Office Administration and Accountancy, 3 for Sanskrit Grammar, and 3 for Computer Science.

As the advertisement released on Magh 17 mentions, the general examination is scheduled for Chaitra 3rd, starting at 1 PM.
