​ Only one student enrolled in History course in TU Central Department of History


November 01, 2017
A-Levels 2025

The Central Department of History under Tribhuvan University that saw 545 students enrolling for history courses last academic year has only one student enrolled for the subject in the current academic session. .

Record shows that the number of students enrolling for master's degree programmes in other streams of social sciences like Political Science and Public Administration has also rapidly declined in the past two years..

The mandatory provision of 80 per cent attendance and assignments after the implementation of the semester system have been attributed for the rapid decline in the number of students in social sciences..

According to Office of the Controller of Examinations, TU, there were 2,685 students studying Political Science in the university in the academic year 2014-15, 1,418 in 2015-16 and less than 400 students in 2016-17..

TU officials said before the semester system was introduced, students were not required to attend classes and do assignments. This attracted a lot of students, most of whom only wanted to earn a degree without working hard. But since the new system was introduced, only hard-working students enrol in the university. .

Shankar Thana, head of history department, TU, said, “There has been a decline in enrolments in almost all subjects under social sciences. This is because of the mindset that social sciences do not ensure a lucrative career.” .

The Central Department of History has 12 lecturers and professors, who will be teaching a single student this academic year.

Source: The Himalayantimes, 1st November, 2017
