One Year Post Graduate Diploma Yoga Courses in Tribhuvan University

September 30, 2018
Last updated October 07, 2021
A-Levels 2025

The Central Department of Sanskrit under Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, is all set to start an academic course in Yoga. .

The Central Department of Sanskrit is planning to open admission for the course in October..

The department said that the curriculum of the one-year post-graduate diploma in yoga had been finalised and that it was working to appoint teachers for the same. .

The course will be available in three languages - Sanskrit, Nepali and English (for foreign students). .

The Tribhuvan University Academic Council on September 6, had decided to offer Yog Adhi Snatak (post-graduate in yoga) course..

Students holding bachelor's degree in any faculty can enroll for the course. The course will be of 800 full marks, including 400 marks each for practical and theoretical subjects. The department said that the fee for the programme would be below Rs 60,000..

“We want to revive the ancient science of yoga as far as possible through our extensive curriculum,” said head of the Sanskrit department Narayan Gautam. According to Sanskrit scholars, literal meaning of yog or yoga is ‘join' or ‘unite', which symbolises the union of body and consciousness..

Origin of yoga can be traced back to over 5,000 years ago, but some researchers think that yoga might have existed even 10,000 years ago..

Considering the mushrooming of private yoga training centres in the city and growing attraction towards it, the department is hopeful that the course will attract a good number of students. The department has, however, stated that it would only take only 30 students in the first batch..

Source: The Himalayantimes 
