NRNA and Ministry of Education signed MoU for open university


June 12, 2014
Last updated May 04, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education (MoE) for establishing an open university in Nepal.

Rose Nath Pande, Deputy Spokesman for the Ministry of Education, said an MoU was signed between the NRNA and MoE for mutual support in developing the infrastructure for the establishment of open university in the country. 

He stated that the MoU was signed by the Minister for Education Chitralekha Yadav and Shesh Ghale, president, NRNA, yesterday for a third time. Earlier, agreements were reached between Nepal government and NRNA in 2010 in Kathmandu and 2012 in Australia for the operation of open university.

“The MoU was signed this time to identify the location for the establishment of the university and its infrastructure development,” Pande said. He informed that the NRNA would be helping the government to prepare the curriculum, draft the act for its regulation and other activities related to the operation of the university. 
