New MBA Course in Kathmandu University School of Management from September intake


April 05, 2014
Last updated May 07, 2024
A-Levels 2025
Kathmandu University School of Management ( KUSOM ) lunched the restructured Masters in Business Administration (MBA) program amid a ceremony in the Capital on Wednesday.
Restructured MBA course which will be effective from September intake aim to equip students with managerial and professional skills along with academic excellence.
KUSOM authorities said that new MBA program responds to the emerging trends and needs in managing economy and society by contemporising both the learning content and delivery methods of management education.
According to Subas KC, dean of KUSOM , the new course is launched to address practically relevant and theoretically sound managerial, leadership and entrepreneurial needs of the post-graduate students.
"We cannot imagine economic progress without sound managerial skills," KC said. "The restructured MBA  program emphasises integrated use of analytical, experimental and presentational pedagogy focusing on the local reality of management with global perspectives."