Bridge Course

Nepali books now available as eBooks


April 24, 2020
Last updated June 12, 2024
A-Levels 2025 which has been delivering books to doorsteps from past one and a half years has started providing eBooks for many Nepali books.

Bibliophiles have not been able to get out of the house during the lockdown and online book delivery services are also halted. Given the circumstances, the concept eBook is more relevant than ever but the publication and consumption of Nepali books through electronic means has always been difficult. To address this problem, Thuprai has commenced an eBook platform for Nepal.

Buying Nepali language books as eBooks weren't easy but Thuprai indents to solve this problem. Readers in Nepal will now be able to purchase books from home through local online payment services such as Khalti, eSewa, Fone Pay, or mobile banking while readers who are abroad will also be able to purchase books through various international payment gateways. Similarly, Nepali publishers can also now enjoy a complete ebook publishing service from within the country.

Thuprai has started this service in collaboration with 'Nepalaya''Kitab Publishers''Shangrila Books''Book Hill', 'Bulbul''Shilpi Kala Samuha', 'Akshar Creations', 'Utkrista Prakashan', and other publishing houses. Many of the books are available for a nominal price while some books are available even for free. 

Thurpai has created mobile apps for reading books. "Application for Android phones and tablets have been made public," said Raju Gotame, co-founder of Thuprai. "Similarly, the apps for iPhones and iPads will be made public this week."

Thuprai's catalog of ebooks is available at and their Android app can be download from Play Store.
