Nepalese student honored with Richmond-Haydar Memorial Scholarship


April 05, 2014
A-Levels 2025
Dinesh Neupane, a graduate environmental science and conservation biology student of Nepal was awarded  with  graduate scholarships. 

Neupane, who has already completed field biology work at Arkansas State University (ASU), received numerous research awards and served as a teacher’s assistant in microbiology labs plans to become a wildlife conservationist. His area of concentration will be in protecting the wild Asian elephants and will use his degree to develop new methods for monitoring and promoting the continued livelihood of the endangered pachyderms.
My Dieu Nguyen, a junior accounting major of Hanoi, Vietnam also got undergraduate scholarships. 

Nguyen and Neupane were selected from five undergraduate finalists and four graduate finalists, respectively. The finalists were chosen from the application pool based upon academic merit, leadership ability and embodiment of character traits exemplified by the award’s original endowers, Mossie J. Richmond and Afak Haydar.

The memorial scholarship was established in 1998 in recognition of the contributions of the late Mossie Richmond, former vice president for Student Affairs, and Afak Haydar, former director of International Programs, made to the university’s international student programs. The two men were instrumental in starting the programs, recognizing value in the presence of multiple cultures in a time when many did not.
Source: Agencies 