Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) to conduct license Examinations


July 01, 2016
A-Levels 2025

Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC) today publishes a notice regarding license examinations. NHPC recognizes seventeen education programs and used to give license to the professionals after completion of the course.

Update 07th nov, 2016: NHPC today publishes clarified the earlier published notice (decision) and also included modality, deadline and costs.

Update 18th July, 2016: NHPC today publishes clarified the earlier published notice (decision) and also included modality, deadline and costs.

Earlier notice published in 1st July, 2016

The meeting of the NHPC held on Ashad 11, 2073 decided to conduct examination before giving license to Special, First and Second category. Only candidates who successfully passed the examination will get the license.
