National Curriculum Framework envisions integrated and single track curriculum

June 02, 2018
Last updated May 20, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Minister for Education, Science and Technology Giriraj Mani Pokharel today informed that as per National Curriculum Framework, there would be an integrated curriculum from Grade I to III and a single track curriculum from Grade IX to XII.

He also informed that focus was on employment oriented education. Science and technology subjects are made compulsorily in Grade XI and XII. There will be seven subjects in Grade IX and X, including two optional subjects. Optional subjects will be skill-based subjects. Nepali, English, Social Studies and a skill-based subject are compulsory for the students of Grade XI and XII. 

The draft of the framework was finalized by the board that included members of National Curriculum Development Board and the Evaluation Council chaired by the Minister for Education.

Curriculum Development Centre had prepared the draft of new curriculum for early childhood level to Grade XII. As per the curriculum framework, the syllabus has been designed in credit hour system. The new curriculum emphasises on skill-based education. As per the new curriculum, in the foundation level, students’ soft skills will be developed and in the secondary level, emphasis will be given on developing hard skills.

Local levels are given authority to conduct examinations up to Grade VIII. Similarly, Grade X examinations will be conducted at provincial level and Grade XII examinations will be conducted at the national level. The new curriculum also envisions three types of education for Grade IX to XII — General, Sanskrit or Traditional, and Technical and Professional.

Earlier, CDC had collected suggestions from educationalists and other stakeholders regarding the change in the curriculum.
