National Census 2078 Reveals Men's Dominance in Management and Women's Dominance in Pedagogy

March 27, 2023
Last updated June 18, 2024
National Census 2078 Reveals Men's Dominance in Management and Women's Dominance in Pedagogy
Teaching Reinvented

National Census 2078 has highlighted the gender disparity in management education in Nepal. According to the census, a total of 35.1 percent of the respondents have received higher education in management, but the majority of them are men. Among the male respondents, 36.9 percent have studied management, whereas only 33.1 percent of women received higher education in management.

In contrast, women have shown a greater interest in education and pedagogy. The census reveals that 36.1 percent of women have studied pedagogy, while only 24.6 percent of men have pursued education as their field of study.

The census results also indicate that education is the second most popular field of study among the respondents, with 29.9 percent of them having pursued it. Humanities and social sciences came third with 11.5 percent of the respondents having studied them.

In terms of other fields of study, science, health, technology, engineering, computer information technology, law, agriculture, forestry, and animal sciences, veterinary, and fisheries have a low representation among the respondents. Science is the most popular among them with only 7.1 percent of the respondents having studied it.

Gender-wise, women and men have an equal representation in the humanities and social sciences field, with 11.6 percent of the respondents having studied it.

The census results suggest that there is a need for more initiatives to encourage women to pursue management education, which is currently dominated by men. Women should be given equal opportunities and support to excel in their chosen fields of study. The census results also highlight the need for more investments in science and technology education, which currently have low representation among the respondents.

View the official data below.

Subjects/areas studied by individuals

Subject/Field of Study

Total   Male   Female  
Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
Humanities and Social Sciences 458216 11.5 215101 11.5 213115 11.6
Management 1395310 35.1 786334 36.9 608976 33.1
Education 1189556 29.9 523834 24.6 665722 36.1
Science and Technology 281887 7.1 187158 8.8 94729 5.1
Health/Medicine 173808 4.4 69912 3.3 103896 5.6
Engineering 120633 3 102892 4.8 17741 1
Law 29795 0.8 20925 1 8870 0.5
Agriculture 25932 0.7 15069 0.7 10863 0.6
Forestry 12920 0.3 7844 0.4 5076 0.3
Animal Science, Veterinary Science, and Fisheries 9309 0.2 6616 0.3 2693 0.1
Computer/Information Technology 45880 1.2 34802 1.6 11078 0.6
Others 71032 1.8 42498 2 28534 1.5
Not Mentioned 158386 4 87374 4.1 71012 3.9
Total 3972664 100 2130359 100 1842305 100