NASA and Liverpool International College forced scholarships winner to pay fees


January 07, 2015
Last updated June 18, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Kathmandu based Liverpool International College and NASA International College are charging exorbitant fee under various titles, even from students with full scholarships.

It was revealed yesterday when a team mobilised by the Code of Conduct Monitoring Central Committee formed by the Higher Secondary Education Board visited the college to inquire the colleges and students on various issues such as  fee structure of Higher Secondary School, scholarship, Higher Secondary Schools using foreign names, glossy advertisements and others.

A student who is currently studying grade 11 in Liverpool international college said,  “I took admission in New Baneshwor-based Liverpool International College even though I knew it was an expensive college as I had full scholarship. But I have already paid Rs 36,000 to the college since the time I have joined". “If a college charges such a huge amount from students, scholarships do not make any sense and no student will be proud to win a scholarship,” she added.

Similarly, NASA International College has also been charging Rs 20,000 from scholarship winners studying science, in the name of practical exam and other titles. Meanwhile, Suprabhat Bhandari, president, Guardians Association Nepal and a member of the monitoring committee, today said they have directed the HSS to return the fee of scholarship awardees. He said HSEB had earlier allowed HSS to collect a maximum of Rs 12,000 from students for practical examination but now this provision has been scrapped.
