M.Sc Microbiology graduates and students fighting for their genuine rights


January 07, 2015
Last updated June 18, 2024
A-Levels 2025

M.Sc Microbiology graduates and students under Tribhuvan University, Institute of Science and Technology, has been protesting against the latest decision of Nepal Health Professional Council to prevent the M.Sc Medical Microbiology students from getting the license from Nepal Health Professional Council.

M.Sc graduates were earlier (in 2068 BS) given the license but after Shravan Kumar Mishra became the Chairman of NHPC, He unilaterally prevented these students from getting license. He has amended some rules of Nepal Health Professional Council on 2069 BS and now citing these rules he is insisting that under these rules, students can not get the license from NHPC.

Sharan status.PNG

Masters degree in Microbiology of Tribhuvan University is a two years course with Three Specialization currently in practice (Food Microbiology, Environment and Public Health Microbiology and Medical Microbiology). In Medical Microbiology students excel in the subjects: Anatomy, Physiology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology and Parasitology. See the transcipt issued by Tribhuan University exam controller office (Some information has been erased to protect the identity of the transcript holder) 

TU Marksheet.jpg

The students under M.Sc Public Health microbiology are also demanding similar type of recognition. Janak Dhungana President of Nepalese Association of Medical Microbiology (NAMM) said,  for the broader development of Microbiology in Nepal, we have to develop Nepal Microbiology Council.  Who will recognize  the strength of Microbiology graduates and give license to various sub categories under Microbiology discipline. 

Students of Tri-chandra campus and other constitutent and affiliated colleges of Tribhuvan University has organized sit in protest before NHPC, prevented vehicle movements infornt of campuses for a period of one horu as a protest program. 

President, Janak Dhungana said if the government turns deaf ear against their genuine demands they will be compelled to organize stern protest.
