Medical Council Licensing Exam Sees Subpar Results - Only 46% Pass

October 01, 2023
Last updated June 19, 2024
Medical Council Licensing Exam Sees Subpar Results - Only 46% Pass
A-Levels 2025

According to the Nepal Medical Council, the recent MBBS and BDS physician registration license examination, which took place from Asoj 10 to 12, saw a passing rate of only 46 percent. Out of the 1,811 candidates who participated, only 833 successfully passed the exam, while 978 individuals, constituting 54 percent, did not pass.

Krishna Prasad Adhikari, the registrar of the council, shared that in the MBBS examination, which had 1,491 participants, 662 individuals, or 44.44 percent, successfully passed, while 829 candidates did not pass. Likewise, in the BDS examination, only 171 individuals, constituting 53.44 percent, managed to pass out of the 320 candidates who took the test.

The council reported that 60 percent of the exam takers were from medical colleges in Nepal, while 40 percent had pursued their studies abroad. Notably, a significant number of students who had studied abroad did not pass the examination.

Rechecking process for Dissatisfied Candidates

If candidates are dissatisfied with their exam results, they have the option to apply for a reevaluation by paying a fee of Rs. 1,500 through Nepal SBI Bank (Account Name - Nepal Medical Council), A/C No. 20435240 1000 22, or Rastriya Banijya Bank (Account Name - Nepal Medical Council), A/C No. 1150 10000233 1001. They can submit their applications through the council's email address HERE, clearly stating their name and roll number.

About the Nepal Medical Council Registration

For those who have passed the examination and have also completed one year of internship as of the date of this notification, there is a provision to obtain the Council's Provisional Registration Certificate, which can be applied for through the council's website HERE. Detailed instructions and required documents are available for download on the website. Upon successful online application, applicants will receive an SMS notification confirming the acceptance of their application. The registration certificate will be ready for collection within 15 working days from the date of application. Failure to apply within 35 days will result in the approval date being mentioned in the certificate.

The council administers the license examination on a quarterly basis. According to the council, the substantial 54 percent failure rate in the physician registration license examination, which is typically taken by high-achieving students, has become a significant concern in the broader context of medical education.
