List of Universities from Germany recognized by Nepal Engineering Council


April 05, 2014
A-Levels 2025

This is the complete list of Universities of  Germany which are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Nepalese students who enroll in other universities  in Germany except mentioned below, wont be able to register as Engineer in Nepal Engineering Council so can not practice as an Engineer in Nepal.  

Name of German Universities 
1.       Berlin-wartenburgh engineering Diplomigenieur college, -GDR

2.       German Armforce University

3.       National College of Mechanical Engineering

4.       Rheinisehe-Westphalian Technical University, Aachen FRG

5.       State Institute of Higher Technical Studies of North East lower Sexony

6.       Stuttgart University

7.       Technical Universities, West Germany

8.       Technical University of Hannover (Hanover University)

9.       The Eberhard Karl University  

10.   University of Karlsruhe, West Germany 

For more information please visit Official website of Nepal Engineering Council