List of American Universities recognized by Nepal Engineering Council


April 05, 2014
A-Levels 2025

This is the complete list of Universities of  America which are recognized by Nepal Engineering Council. Nepalese students who enroll in other universities  in USA except mentioned below, wont be able to register as Engineer in Nepal Engineering Council so can not practice as an Engineer in Nepal.  

1.       Alabama University

2.       Arizona State University

3.       Bradley University

4.       Colorado State University

5.       Cornell University

6.       Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida

7.       George Washington University, U.S.A.

8.       Harvard University

9.       Hawaii University

10.   Masachhussettes Institute of Technology

11.   MC Gill University

12.   Mississippi State University

13.   Montana State University

14.   Name of University

15.   Nevada University, Reno, Nev.

16.   New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

17.   North Carolina State University

18.   North Eastern University

19.   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

20.   Southern Illinois University at Carbondole

21.   Stanford University

22.   Syracuse University

23.   Texas Technical University, Lulbock

24.   The University of Houston

25.   The University of South Alabama.

26.   The University of Tennessee,

27.   The University of Washington.

28.   Trinity college and University

29.   University of Alaskafairbanks.

30.   University of Arizona.

31.   University of Arkansas

32.   University of California, Bekerday

33.   University of Detroit

34.   University of District of Colombia.

35.   University of Iowa

36.   University of Maryland

37.   University of Missouri, Columbia

38.   University of Southampton

39.   Utah State University

40.   Virginia Polytechnic Institute & state University

41.   Wentworth Institute of Technology.

42.   Yale University of Connecticut 

For more information please visit Official website of Nepal Engineering Council
