LALITPUR declared as the first total literate district of the country


January 07, 2015
Last updated May 11, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Minister for Education Chitra Lekha Yadav today formally declared Lalitpur the first total literate district across the country with its literacy rate reaching 99.2 percent among the age group of 15 to 60 years amid a program on Monday. 

Education Minister Yadav stated that all concerned should put their best efforts to eradicate
illiteracy in all districts within a year. Minister Yadav further added that literacy campaigns should be started in every village and cities.She also handed over sum of Rs 500,000 to Lalitpur District Education Officer shiva kumar for additional improvements. To that, Shiva Kumar said it was
a matter of great pride and happiness that Lalitpur has become the first completely literate district in the country.

Non Formal Education Center (NFEC), a governmental body, asked all concerned authorities to
organize a formal programme to declare Lalitpur the first fully literate district.In the occasion, Baburam Poudel, Director, Non Formal Education Centre, said Lalitpur district has proved that resources put in literacy campaigns were not going down the drain. “Just like Lalitpur, every district can be made fully literate, eradicating illiteracy from the country,” he added.

There were other six districts in the competition which comprises Sindupalchowk,Palpa, Chitwan,Dhading, Syangja and Manang.

Looking at the international practice, the official website of the government of Kerela, India states that Ernakulum district was declared first total literate district in 1990 following its 100 percent population coverage on literacy.

