​ Kathmandu University (KU) to launch Masters’ level in Technical and Vocational Education

November 29, 2017
Last updated May 07, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED) is launching a new academic program Master in Technical and Vocational Education (MTaVE) from coming Academic Session starting August 2018.

This information was shared by KUSOED Dean Mahesh Nath Parajuli during a workshop held in the Capital on Sunday.

Highlighting the main features of this new program, Parajuli said that the program will have adequate openness providing enough opportunity and flexibility to students to show their imagination, innovation, and creativity. As told by the Dean, the programme will have adequate practical exposure and emphasis on entrepreneurship will also be its key characteristics. 

According to Parajuli, the program has been launched for the first time in South Asian nations. “Given the competency the students will acquire during the program they will be fit for the domestic as well as international labor market,” said Parajuli.

KUSOED has drafted a curriculum of the mentioned program and the workshop was organised to discuss and collect feedback from the experts, academicians as well as stakeholders. A total of 26 people representing Ministries, CTEVT, Private Sector, TVET Projects, TVET experts and educationists participated at the workshop and provided their feedback and comments on the MTaVE curriculum draft.

Parajuli noted: “We have obtained valuable feedbacks from the participants, both on the structure and the content of the program and we will incorporate them as appropriate.” He also mentioned that the program will have two streams – pedagogy, and leadership and management.  

The academic will target instructors, administrators, managers and leaders working in the field of TVET and willing to pursue their career in the field. Besides, fresh candidates willing to follow TVET career path, can also choose the program, said Parajuli.

The two years course expanding over four semesters will take 25 students in each batch.  The Dean also informed that some seats are already booked by the people from Myanmar and Benin. The University is expecting that there will be a good flow of international students to the program.
