Kathford International College Launches BBA+ and BBM+

September 13, 2023
Kathford International College Launches BBA+ and BBM+
A-Levels 2025

Kathford International College, situated in Balkumari, Lalitpur, has commenced its Bachelor of Business Administration Plus (BBA+) and Bachelor of Business Management Plus (BBM+) classes, with instruction and learning activities commencing on September 12, 2023, as per the college's announcement.

The college has officially inaugurated the program in collaboration with members from Nepal's academic sector, prominent figures from the private sector, as well as students and parents. Dr. Rajendra K. Pokharel, the Principal of Kathford International College, extended a warm welcome to all the participants.

Following the inauguration, Roshan Thapa, who heads the Management Department at Kathford College, provided comprehensive insights into both programs. Both programs introduced a range of new specialized courses within the Faculty of Management, encompassing areas such as data analysis, cloud technology, digital marketing, financial analysis, and project management.
