Janak Education Prints One Lakh Daily Textbooks for Students

February 02, 2024
Last updated June 18, 2024
Janak Education Prints One Lakh Daily Textbooks for Students
A-Levels 2025

Janak Education Material Center Limited has successfully printed nineteen million textbooks for the upcoming academic session. Anil Kumar Jha, the managing director, informed the government that of the 17.4 million textbooks scheduled for printing in the upcoming academic session, only 5.5 million are yet to be printed.

For the academic session 2080, after handling the printing and distribution of books for classes 6 to 12 and delivering them promptly when the session commenced, the government assigned the center the responsibility of printing books from class 5 onwards.

Managing Director Jha stated, "We have completed the printing of 1.9 million textbooks out of 1.74 million for the academic session 2081," and assured that the remaining 5.5 million textbooks would be printed by the end of Falgun, 2080. He mentioned that necessary materials like paper and ink have been procured in sufficient quantities, and the printing is ongoing 24/7 in two shifts. The center is currently printing 100,000 books daily with continuous tracking and plans to distribute the printed books to the warehouses of all seven provincial central regional offices, starting the distribution in Chaitra and ensuring timely delivery to students as done in the previous year.

Despite the center's request to extend the responsibility of printing books from class 1 onwards, the government assigned the center to print books from class 5 onwards, reducing the scope compared to the previous year when private sector printers were responsible for classes 1 to 4. The Curriculum Development Center had urged the Ministry of Education to decide on book printing quickly. In a meeting at the Center for Education and Human Resource Development, Managing Director Jha requested the government to decide promptly and entrust the center with the responsibility of printing books from 1st to 12th grade.

In the past few years, Janak Education was previously criticized for delays in printing and distributing books, but in recent years, the center has received praise for completing the process on time.
