IoM undecided on affiliation issue of New Medical Colleges


March 08, 2015
A-Levels 2025

After Prime Minister Sushil Koirala gave controversial directives to grant affiliation to New Medical Colleges, an emergency meeting of the standing committee of  Institute of Medicine (IoM) was held on Friday. But the meeting failed to reach a conclusion about on granting affiliation.  

The meeting concluded that the issue of affiliation to medical colleges is a “serious” matter and it should be decided only by the faculty board of the IoM, the highest authority overseeing academic activities.

Dr Rakesh Shriwastav, IoM dean, said the date for the meeting of faculty board is yet to be decided. “We need at least 10 days to call the board meeting. Since Tribhuvan University has asked us to decide on the matter as soon as possible, we will hold an emergency meeting of the standing committee members,” said Dr Rakesh Shriwastav, dean of IoM.

A decision from the two-thirds of the 32-member board is required to grant affiliation to new medical colleges.

The members include IoM office bearers, doctors from some faculties and representatives of the Ministry of Education as well as Ministry of Health and Population. National Medical College, Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Sciences and People’s Dental College are awaiting IoM decision to run MBBS programme.
