Importance of Discipline


April 05, 2014
Last updated May 06, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Discipline is the process of training oneself in obedience, self control, skill, etc. The controlled, ordered behaviour results from such training. Discipline is the basis of the whole universe.

Discipline should be inculcated from a very young age. Talent and genius alone are not enough to achieve success. Discipline has an equally important role to play. Talents blossom in a disciplined person.

Discipline is not only desirable but indispensable. Wherever discipline and regulation of human conduct are absent, moral and material deterioration has set in. Absence of discipline means decay. To prevent decay, discipline has to be imposed in the common interest and for the common good.

The importance of discipline in educational institutions is well recognized. There should be a proper balance between discipline and the freedom of the students. The educational institutions should have a peaceful and calm atmosphere to enable the students to acquire knowledge. There is growing discontentment among the students. Because of this discontentment, we notice that discipline in our schools and colleges has considerably declined. Students are disrespectful to their teachers. They misbehave in the classrooms. They organize strikes and take the law into their hands. The government as well as the educational authorities should undertake necessary steps to improve the atmosphere in the educational institutions.

Discipline in schools may reduce the violence and vandalism and help the students to focus better on their studies and career. Discipline is important even in the family. Parents must raise their children in a pleasant and disciplined atmosphere. They should teach them the right values. They should themselves lead an orderly life so that their children can learn from their example. Children growing in disciplined and happy homes become responsible adults.

The strength of nations lies in discipline. Discipline helps the nation to make progress, fight external invasions and maintain unity. The Government makes laws to maintain law and order in the country. The laws are enforced to discipline the citizens and to maintain peace and harmony in the country. History has shown that dictators are firmly opposed to the grant of basic rights and liberties to the people. They want blind, unflinching obedience. That was Hitler’s technique in Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s technique in Italy. They thought that discipline was very necessary for nation to develop.

Discipline is the lifeline of the military departments. That armed forces follow a certain code of conduct. It demands loyalty to the country and to superior officers. It demands a spirit of fellowship and readiness to cope with an emergency. It is the duty of a solider to obey the orders of his commander. No army can put up a brave front against the enemy if it lacks discipline.

Discipline is very important in the social and political life of a nation. In many government offices, one can see that work is done in an irresponsible manner. Things will improve if the employees do their duty with dedication. This will happen if impose self-discipline.

People create chaos in public places by their undisciplined behavior. They show lack of order and manners while boarding buses and trains. Eve-teasing is another example of irresponsible behavior on the part of our youth. The rising crime graph in the country is due to the lack of discipline.

Members of political parties should follow a certain code of ethics. They should always act in a disciplined manner. In the past, leaders fought for freedom and now our leaders have the freedom to fight among themselves. The common man has started losing faith in political parties and the system. Steps should be taken to improve its image.

Without discipline there can be no scientific advances, no industrial or technological achievement, and no settled system of law, no exploration and no development. Discipline is essential for personal growth and national prosperity. Absence of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Respect of parents, teachers and elders should be given importance. Honesty and integrity and doing a duty with devotion and dedication should be stressed. There should be a spirit of harmony, co-operation and mutual respect co-existent among fellow human beings. All should follow the rules and regulations laid by law. Discipline means full realization of the sense of responsibility. This will bring progress and prosperity in the society and the nation.
