How to find your Dream college? Choosing the Right Fit!


April 05, 2014
Last updated May 05, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Are you trying to find the perfect college? If so, is here to guide to find a college that suits you perfectly. 

Choosing a college is a big decision because where you study is as almost as important as what you study. Choosing the right college can seem overwhelming! Academics, cost, location, sports, and student life all factor into a decision that could affect the rest of your life! Starting your college search with the basics will help you identify the colleges that will best suit you academically and personally. Each of you has unique needs and values, and what is important to you may not matter to others. By identifying your needs early on, you can eliminate hundreds of colleges and focus on the things that will make your college a perfect fit. Whether you have your heart set on a particular university or college or have not yet decided where to pursue your chosen course, will help you in every aspect.

The single pivotal rule for college search is: Choose the college that matches your preferences.

Your options are almost limitless so don’t hurry to get admitted in a particular college without knowing much. Ask yourself a question. Are the resources that are available are giving me enough information so that I can totally be confident in my decision? If not do research more, your personal learning style, preferences, and available resources will help you find the place where you'll best succeed. We recommend you to find the college that best fit to you because the overall culture of your college may play as big a role in your future success as your degree. 

  • Determine what you might like to study or major in at college
    Making the Right Career Decisions.
  • Develop a list of criteria you want to use to evaluate colleges.
    Everyone has their own priority so the list of criteria used to choose college vary individually. Here we edusanjal have made some basic criteria you can use to sort out the colleges. 

    Here’s a list of common criteria:

1.  Degrees offered

2.  Location/ distance from home

3.  Public vs private

4.  Costs (tuition, room and board, etc.)

5.  Infrastructures and resources in the college (labs, libraries, computer access, etc.)

6.  Classes taught by full time doctorally qualified faculty

7.  Co-curricular and Extra- curricular activities

8.  Quality, reputation and ranking of college

9.  Degree of pressure to excel

10.  Social life and extracurricular activities

11.  Facility of Hostels


  • Cost, scholarships, and financial aid 
    Does cost matters you? The cost of college is one thing that most parents think about during the college search process. Not all colleges have the same price tag. Most schools offer scholarships for the deserving candidates. Do find, you are eligible for the scholarships or not.
  • Location of the college 
    Obviously, academics play a huge role in determining the right school for you. But so does location. Where do you want to study? College is both an education and a journey, so consider what type of location you hope to experience when exploring college information.
  • Size 
    Don't forget to consider the sizes of the schools in your college search. Colleges come in all sizes. Which one is better? That depends on you. Large colleges typically have large library, much resources and opportunity to grow in different fields whereas a small college may offer individualized attention, as well as a more intimate and personalized experience.
  • Gather all your resources and information about each college you're considering.
     If you don't have all the information you need on a particular college, you should consider visiting the college's Website (You can find college of your preferences in visit our comprehensive database of the colleges and search via location, major, costs etc). You can ask some suggestions from family, friends, and your teachers. If there is college fair, do attend them and meet the representative and talk with them, as well as gather important literature about the college.
  • College facilities
    What do they devote time and resources to: research or teaching and learning?
    Do they have a specialty in one specific area or are they known for providing a broad education?
  • Teaching faculties
    Are the teachers are doctorally qualified and fulltime faculty there? Verify whether the teachers listed on brochure really teach at the college and also look whether they are part-timers or working full time at the college. Faculty time faculty can give you enough time, and can guide you well. So don’t forget to ask about faculties.
  • Visit the colleges of your priority
    The best way to really get a feel for a college is by visiting the campus, taking a tour, meeting with students, attending a class, reading the campus newspaper, eating in the cafeteria etc. You have to feel "at home" at the place where you will spend the next few years of your life, so visiting college personally is very important. If some schools on your list are just too far away to make a trip, then at least browse the college website and try to talk to people who have attended the school to get a feel for it.
  • Few tips for the before selection of the college
  1. Visit the campus and see if things are really how the brochures described them.
  2.  Talk to real students who actually attended the school that you are interested in and ask the information you needed.
  3. Colleges are spending a lot of money on advertising to attract more students. Don’t trust any advertisement blindly. Know how experienced the teachers are and how trustworthy the school’s management committee is
  4. At the end, weigh your options and pick the school of your dream. Don’t rush in entering a college, and then realize later on that it’s unsuitable for you.

Remember, typically provides important facts about each school's/ college type and characteristics. So keep on visiting to get comprehensive and updated information about colleges, courses, careers, study materials etc.
