
Grade 11 regular results of all faculties published


December 15, 2016
Last updated May 12, 2024

National Examination Board today published the results of Grade 11 today (regular students). The examination of grade XI was held on Jestha 1, 2073 to Jestha 12, 2073. National examination board has already published the results of partial category.

According to NEB 51.7% students passed the examination.

  1. Total number of examinees: 2 lakh 66 thousands, one hundred three only.
  2. Passed: 1 Lakh 36 thousands, 665
  3. Exam Cancelled: 33

After we got result file, the result will be published online. Students will be able to view their results online in


Re-total provision for grade 11

If you are not satisfied with the marks you have got in any subjects, you can apply for re-total within 15 days of publication of this result after paying Rs. 500 per subject.


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