
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about KUUMAT


January 07, 2015

1.       What is KUUMAT?

KUUMAT Stands for Kathmandu University Undergraduate Management Admission Test. It is the first phase of admission test for admission into KU’s undergraduate management programs (BBA and BBIS).  After passing KUUMAT, you will be eligible to apply for admission in KUSOM and its affiliated colleges.

2.       What is the structure of KUUMAT?
KUUMAT will be based on the following assessment domains:

                                                               i.      General SAT

                                                             ii.      SAT Mathematics Test

b.      A set of sample questions for KUUMAT is attached with the application blank for KUUMAT.

c.       KUUMAT eligibility test will be a pen and paper written test.

d.      The KUUMAT shall comprise of a single test, comprising of both the assessment domains.

e.      The test shall consist of multiple choice questions.

3.       What is the requirement for KUUMAT?
Eligibility criteria are:
Nepali and non-Nepali nationals with a 10+2 or intermediate degree or equivalent of at least two years duration in any discipline with a minimum of 50 percent in aggregate or CGPA of 2.0 on the scale of 4 from universities/board recognized by Kathmandu University are eligible to apply for Kathmandu University’s Four Year Management Undergraduate programs.

Note: Applicants who have completed the qualifying educational level but are awaiting the final results may apply on a provisional basis, provided he/she has already taken final annual examination of the program and cleared all previous year papers. Those applying on a provisional basis should have secured minimum 50 percent or CGPA of 2 in his/her 11th grade annual exam.

4.       Can I submit the application form online?
No, you cannot submit the application form online. You need to submit the application form at KUSOM reception desk. However, application form can be downloaded from KUSOM website.

5.       What is admission test fee for KUUMAT?
The total KUUMAT fee is Rs. 800. You are required to pay Rs. 300 while taking the application form and Rs. 500 (non refundable) while submitting the application form. If you download the application form, you need to pay Rs. 800 (non refundable) while submitting the form.

6.       How can I pay the KUUMAT Fee?
You are required to pay in cash in KUSOM Reception while submitting the KUUMAT application form.

7.       Where do I submit the application form?
You need to submit the application form at KUSOM reception during office hours (Sunday to Saturday from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM). 

8.       Can someone else submit the application form for me?

Yes, anyone can submit the application form, but the application form should be properly filled with full signature of the applicant.

9.       What needs to be done after submitting application form?
After submitting the application form you need to do the following:

  1. Check if you are on the list of applicants selected for KUUMAT.
  2. Collect admit card for KUUMAT.
  3. Sit for the KUUMAT written test.
  4. After taking KUUMAT, check if you are on the list of eligible applicants.
  5. Apply in KUSOM or its affiliated colleges.

10.   From where do I Collect the admit card?
You can get the admit card from KUSOM reception during office hours.

11.   What will happen after KUUMAT?
After you get through KUUMAT, you are eligible to apply for KU’s undergraduate management programs (BBA and BBIS). You can contact KUSOM or the affiliated colleges for admission procedure.

12.   Is there any weightage of previous performance?
The result of KUUMAT eligibility test will be entirely based on your performance on the written KUUMAT test. The performance on previous academic degrees has no role in the score. However selection in second phase of admission test at respective colleges will incorporate the performance in previous degrees.

13.   Is SAT score valid?
KUUMAT eligibility test do not take account of your SAT score. You may submit the score to the respective college during second phase of admission test.

14.   When will the result be published?
The date of publication of results is given in the KUUMAT Calendar.

15.   Can I check status online?
The list of eligible applicants will be published in KUSOM website: www.kusom.edu.np

16.   How long the test score valid?
The test score will be valid for the current year only.

17.   Are calculators allowed?
Calculators are allowed in the test.

18.   Is there negative scoring system?
Yes, there is negative scoring. For each wrong answer, your 0.25 marks will be deducted. That mean 4 (four) wrong answers neutralize 1 (one) correct answer.

19.   Is there any limit of repetition/trial?
There is no limit to the number of trial. One can attempt before getting admission into the program.

20. How can i Prepare for KUUMAT Entrance Test?Applicants should prepare themselves to sit for Kathmandu University Undergraduate Management Admission Test (KUUMAT). The details of the KUUMAT are provided along with the application form. Applicants using downloaded application form may collect the details of the KUUMAT and Sample Test Papers from the reception desk upon submission of completed application forms and due payment for application processing.
