edusanjal is participating in World Youth Summit Award

April 05, 2014
Last updated June 05, 2024

edusanjal: The gateway to education in Nepal is also participating in the World Youth  Youth Award. WSYA is a global contest.The WSYA selects and promotes best practice in e-Content. Yesterday we recieved the confirmation of our project submission.

This contest is a platform platform for people from all UN member states to work together in the efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

About the award
The Youth Award is not a cash award. The reward for winners is to be recognized on a world stage, to be invited to the winners' events, to be able to connect with each other and discuss with renowned experts in the field of ICT for Development.

Who is organising the Award?

The WSYA is organised as a follow up activity of the World Summit on Information Society and its action plan towards the year 2015. The Youth Award is being organised by the World Summit Award Network for the fourth time after 2005, 2009 and 2010. It is promoted in all UN member states through the networks of the World Summit Award (WSA) the UN Global Alliance for ICT, other participating UN Organisations and Agencies, governments and NGOs, youth organisations, and all those committed to making a real difference in the achievement of the MDGs.

The WSYA Team is based at the International Centre for New Media (ICNM), an independent non-profit organisation in Salzburg, Austria.

About the winner events

The winner events is going to be organized on, November 10th - 13th at Graz City of Design, Autria / Europe

The WSYA Winners Events is orchestrated as a four day experience with workshops, presentations and exhibitions to bring together winners, partners, board members, business leaders and experts from all over the world.

The highlight will be the Winners' Ceremony on November 12th  to honour a group of young multimedia professionals, who – through their highly motivated and creative work – contribute significantly to the development of a quality information society and therefore to reaching the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Eighteen winning teams in six categories will be presented and receive their certificate and trophy from dignitaries of government, the private sector, and the United Nations.

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