Educational Consultancy Association of Nepal (ECAN) Code of conduct for its member organisations


April 05, 2014
A-Levels 2025

Codes of Conduct on Educational Consultancy Service, 2063 (2006)

{Adopted by the Extra-ordinary General Assembly on 2063/9/15 (30 December 2006)}

These Codes of Conduct is framed and enforced subject to the Statute of Educational Consultancy Association of Nepal, 2053 (1997).

  1. Short title and commencement:
    1. These Codes of Conduct may be called as the Codes of Conduct on Educational Consultancy Service, 2063 (2006).

  1. These Codes of Conduct shall come into force at once.

  1. Definition: Unless the subject or the context otherwise requires, in these Codes of Conduct:
  2. "Statute" means the Statute of Educational Consultancy Association of Nepal, 2053 (1997).

  1. "Educational Consultancy" means the consultancy to be rendered on the students wishing to study in native or foreign countries.

  1. "Service charge" means the charge for the educational consultancy service.

  1. "Association" means the Educational Consultancy Association of Nepal.

  1. "Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee of the Educational Consultancy Association of Nepal.

  1. "General Assembly" means the General Assembly of the Educational Consultancy Association of Nepal and it also includes the Extra-ordinary General Assembly.

  1. "Organization" means the professional firm and company registered pursuant to the law to render educational consultancy service.

  1. "Member" means the member of the Educational Consultancy Association of Nepal.

  1. It is required to render the service on the basis of professional ethics subject to the professional dignity by maintaining proper and reasonable physical condition.

  1. To give accurate information on foreign educational institute suitable to the students by learning their need accurately.

  1. Not to render consultancy on the matters not understood by the member itself or on the matters where the member itself is not authorized and to render consultancy only based on truth and facts.

  1. To render advise which would assist the student in selection of appropriate educational institute in term of educational level and economic capacity of the student wishing to pursue study.

  1. To perform the acts only based on the written agreement concluded with the concerned student or guardian setting out all the matters including service charge and it shall not be allowed to perform other acts beyond the written agreement.

  1. It shall not be allowed at present to collect service charge more than Rs. 15,000/- and it is required to justify the amount to be collected.

  1. It is required to make the service charge fully transparent and to issue receipt against the service charge.

  1. It shall not be allowed to collect charge or other charges on the basis of condition nor shall additional charge be allowed to collect on the basis of success.

  1. It shall not be allowed to involve in preparing false and fabricated documents nor shall it be allowed to render assistance or advice to that effect.

  1. It shall not be allowed to take the responsibility of, or to make the false arrangement of, TOEFL, IELTS and other linguistic matters.

  1. It shall not be allowed to mislead, startle and influence wrongfully.

  1. It shall not be allowed to render consultancy services by giving visa guarantee, admission guarantee, job guarantee or I Twenty guarantee.

  1. It shall not be allowed to wrongly use consultancy profession as the means of income generation.

  1. It shall not be allowed to appoint or engage in the activities of the organization a person involved in the financial dishonesty and malevolent activities.

  1. It is required to always observe the instruction of the Association, give information to the Association on the matters of professional right and interest and to take advice from the Association with regard to the problems as arisen from time to time.

  1. It shall not be allowed to advertise in a manner to mislead or startle others.

  1. It shall not be allowed to intermingle pompous and irrelevant matters while making advertisement on education nor shall it be allowed to advertise such matters stating that native education will be provided.

  1. It shall not be allowed to advertise giving visa guarantee, I Twenty guarantee, job guarantee or admission guarantee and free scholarship nor shall it be allowed to advertise any matter of guarantee.

  1. It shall not be allowed to collect charge at any pretence upon making advertisement stating free of charge and it is required to indicate the certain amount in the advertisement if any kind of charge is to be collected there from.

  1. The members must compulsorily observe the following codes of conduct while rendering service by carrying out the educational consultancy profession.
  2. Codes of Conduct relating to advertisement:
    The members must compulsorily follow the following codes of conduct relating to advertisement:
  3. Complaint filed by other person without the reasonable ground that the victim is unable to appear in person.

  1. Complaint not based on ground, reason and evidence.

  1. Complaint failed to show that the Statute, Codes of Conduct or professional ethics and dignity are violated for any clear-cut reason.

  1. Complaint filed with delay beyond reasonable ground.

  1. Irrational complaint and complaint filed with ill-intention.

  1. Complaint filed using ambiguous and indecent language.

  1. To cancel membership of the member who violates the Statute and the Codes of Conduct from time to time and to publish public notice to that effect.

  1. To suspend for a specified period, and cancel, the membership of the member who violated the Statute and the Codes of Conduct.

  1. To admonish, suspend or cancel the membership of, the member who does not follow the professional ethics and dignity taking into account the circumstance.

  1. Complaint may be filed:
    If any member has carried out any act inconsistent with the Statute of the Association, Codes of Conduct or professional ethics and dignity, the concerned party so suffered may file complaint with the Association, accompanied by all the evidences thereof.
  2. The Executive Committee may take action from admonition to cancellation of membership against the member disobeying the orders and instructions.

  1. Membership of member who violates the orders and instructions from time to time shall be cancelled.

  1. Complaint may be denied:
    The complaint other than those filed by the diplomatic mission and government authority may be denied unless the following conditions are met.
  2. Action on complaint: The Executive Committee shall take the following action on complaint.

  1. Action against the member disobeying the orders and instructions of the Association:

  1. Rationale of action: 
    The Executive Committee must give a reasonable opportunity for defense while taking action and it must fully mention the rationale and grounds of the action. The General Assembly may hear the Complaint against the action of the Executive Committee.