Download Application forms of Tribhuvan University Exam controller office


March 27, 2015
A-Levels 2025

Many students of Tribhuvan University has a query regarding documents needed while applying for Re-total, to Get Migration Certificate, or to get Transcript from Tribhuvan University.  So Tribhuvan University Exam controller office Balkhu  gave us three most important application files for upload.

To help those students we have uploaded three files here......

Application form for Re-total of Tribhuvan University.pdf 

Information about getting “Migration Certificate” from Tribhuvan University

1.       Registration card given by Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination

2.       Citizen ship of the student or Admit card of Tribhuvan University or any identification card in which the photo of students is affixed.

3.       If student is unable to collect the migration certificate, the can authorized other person for the collection, in that case  the authorized person must provide the original citizenship and photo copy of citizenship of his/her and the applicant.

4.       After getting migration certificate from Tribhuvan University, student cannot take part in any examination of Tribhuvan University, if he/she takes part the examination will be cancelled.

5.       Student has to collect the migration certificate from TU OCE within 35 days of application, if not TU OCE will not be responsible for any losses, damage etc.

6.       If student lost the migration certificate, Tribhuvan University will not issue new certificate or its duplicate. 

Application form to Get Migration Certificate of Tribhuvan University.pdf 

If you are planning to apply to Tribhuvan University exam controller office to get the “Transcript”, please download the PDF file below and read  requriements and process in detail. 

Application form to get Transcript from Tribhuvan University.pdf 

You can download these application files and save them in your computer or print, so that you can arrange all the necessary documents before visiting TU OCE Balkhu. Each application forms contains

information regarding the process, fees and necessary documents that you have to submit.  

If you need any other forms of Tribhuvan University exam controller office, you can write to use at the comment, we will request exam controller office to make these  files available to us. 
