
Diploma Level First Year First Part and Special Scholarship Exam Schedule: CTEVT

May 27, 2022
Last updated June 09, 2022

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Controller's Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur has published the examination schedule of the special scholarship program and diploma level first year, first part of Diploma in Engineering in Civil, Architecture, Refrigerator and A.C. Mechanical, Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Automobile, Mechatronics, Electronics, Geomatics, Computer, Hydropower, Food & Dairy Technology, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Social Work,
Entrepreneurship Development, and Plant Science and Animal Science.

Key Information

  • The examination is going to be held from Ashad 02, 2079 (June 16, 2022)
  • Examination Time: 7 AM onwards

Click here to view the examination centers.

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