Dean of Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering (IoE),neglected TU regulations


April 05, 2014
Bharat Pahari either is ignorant of the Tribhuvan University (TU) rules and regulations or has chose to defy them. Pahari, the Dean of Institute of Engineering (IoE), has totally neglected regulations while appointing assistant deans.
As per the University regulation, a dean from any faculty only can appoint assistant deans when the executive committee at TU approves the recommendation of the deans of respective faculties.
In defiance of prevailing regulations, Pahari has appointed three assistant deans in IoE without informing the committee. Among the three, he has appointed Sangeet Lal Nakarmi as the assistant dean in Examination Control Division and Ram Chandra Nakarmi as the assistant dean in Planning Division.
Interestingly, both these assistant deans are shareholders in the National Engineering College (NEC) where Pahari himself is a shareholder and was a member of its board of directors before handling IoE.
According to a highly placed source at TU, Pahari's intention behind appointing the assistant deans is solely to boost the results of his private college. "Pahari's motive is to influence the examination results of his private college as the IoE has full responsibility to govern the examination of every engineering college under TU and the whole process of examination will be in the hands of these people," a TU official told the Post seeking anonymity. "Though irregularities in other faculties of TU are not new, what has happened in IoE is new."
IOE is said to be one of the best institutions in the sector of engineering in South Asia. "Pahari has set a bad trend, which is sure to ruin the reputation of the Institution," the official added.
However, Pahari has claimed that he has done everything according to the rules. "I have appointed the assistant deans in the vacant posts utilising rights provided by the University regulations."
 Surya Lal Amatya Rector at TU said the dean has no right to appoint assistants without the consent of the Board. "He (Pahari) hasn't recommended any name to the board," said Amatya. "If he has appointed assistant deans, TU will take action against him."
(Source: Ekantipur)