Complaint filed against the schools for exorbitant fees


March 07, 2018
Last updated July 25, 2021
A-Levels 2025

Department of Supply Mangement and Protection of Consumers Rights has filed a complaint letter against the several schools who have been imposing exorbitant fess prices to the students. Following the several news regarding the high prices imposed by the popular school, the news is a likely consequence.

Schools such as Rato Bangala and Chand Bag have been brought under the accusations of the department . Other schools in the list are the Graded English Medium School (GEMS) , Pathshaala and Premier Internaitonal School.

The department has put the the allegations of imposing the high prices and conduct against the rights and welfare of the consumers.

The department has stated that the schools have been robbing off the parents and studens in the name of primary health care, repair and management, boarding, extracurricular activities,  migration certificate and so on.

According to the directory for the private school fee determinaiton in the law, the schools are not allowed to collect the money under other titles when there is monthly fees and the annual fees.

The monthly fees include the charges for conducting the classes and carrying out the educational activities in the classes including the teachers salary. The annual fees include the fees  for the extracurricular activities, lab work, sports, repair of the school building, library and the first aid.

However the schools are taking high charges under each of the titles separately which is against the law.

According to the law, the registration and SSC charges cannot be taken above the mentioned criteria. The district level examiantion fee cannot be taken above the prices fixed by the examination committee of that district.

Education act 2028 and other laws such as that by the Teachers Service Commission 2057 state that the community schools cannot take any fees from the students under free education rule fo the government.

Schools cannot take any fees for the construction of any new building from the students. Graded English Medium School (GEMS) has been found to be collecting extra 2.5 crores of money annually. GEMS has been charging 765 for first aid, 2650 for repair and management, 1200 for extracurricular, boarding charges of 5,500  and 1200 to 2500 under the title of “others”.

Similarly, the Chand Bag School has been collecting Rs. 25,000 under the development charge. Rato bangala School has been charging the amount of 2,810 under the social trust. The school has been earning 34 lacs annually for the miscellaneous expenses charged tot he students whcih are not actually spent.

According to the department, Premier International School is on the top on charging these extra fees. The school has been charging Rs. 25,000  for the additonal expenses.

There is law for the punishment to the schools for breaching of the education law regarding the fees. The investigaiton is likely to be useful to the necessary action against the schools for the breacing of the laws.

(Source: Kantipur)
