CIAA demanded suspension of VC of Mid Western University and Other Officials


January 06, 2015
Last updated May 17, 2024
A-Levels 2025

The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority on Wednesday demanded suspension of the University's Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Padam Lal Devkota on charge of corruption. CIAA has taken action against 14 senior officials including five deans of the Mid-Western University yesterday and demanded their suspension.

Among other senior officials under book are President of the University Service Commission Prof. Dr. Nabaraj Kandel, member Prof. Dr. Shreeram Prasad Upadhya and Registrar Dr. Thekendra Prasad Giri.

The anti-graft constitution body said that the officials have misappropriated and embezzled the University fund allocated for infrastructural development, procurement and staff recruitment.

The CIAA demanded actions as per Section 19 (3) of CIAA Act 1992 in suspension that they might intervene in investigation and might destroy evidences against them.

Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has demanded the suspension of 14 high level officials including five deans of the Mid-Western University, Surkhet. The officials and designation is as follows: 

  1. Pitamber Dhakal, Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences faculty,
  2. Dr Masta Bahadur Garamja of Management faculty,
  3. Dr Keshar Singh Rana of Science and Technology faculty,
  4. Prof. Ram Chandra Aryal of Engineering faculty, and
  5. Lalmani Acharya of Education Science faculty,

Among other officials are: 

  1. Assistant Administrator Gagan Singh Bohara,
  2. Accounts Controller Kamal KC, 
  3. Deputy Professor Ganesh Bahadur Rawat,
  4. Inspection Officer Paras Ram Giri,
  5. Senior Assistants Ganesh Bahadur KC,
  6. Satyaa Thapa and Jiban Kumar Thapa,
  7. Personal Assistant of the Vice Chairman Sudhan Gauli and
  8. Engineer Mahesh Sharma.

According to CIAA, the individuals have been charged of carrying out irregularities during the process of procurement of various goods required for the University's infrastructural development, recruitment of staff and teachers, among others.

CIAA said the action was sought as the individuals may intervene the course of investigation by destroying or influencing evidences against them, while at office

Read the Notice in Nepali below 

प्रेस विज्ञप्तिः २०७१।०४।२० गते ।
निलम्बन सम्बन्धमा ।
मध्यपश्चिमाञ्चल विश्वविद्यालय, सुर्खेतको भौतिक पूर्वाधार निर्माण, खरिद प्रक्रिया, शिक्षक तथा कर्मचारी नियुक्ती र विश्वविद्यालयको कोष संचालन समेतका आर्थिक कारोवारका काम कारवाहीमा अनयिमितता तथा भ्रष्टाचार गरेको प्रारम्भिक अनुसन्धानबाट देखिएकोले मध्यपश्चिमाञ्चल विश्वविद्यालयका मानविकी तथा सामाजिक संकायका डीन पिताम्वर ढकाल, व्यवस्थापन संकायका डीन डा. मस्तबहादुर गरम्जा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि संकायका डीन डा. केशर सिंह राना, इन्जिनियरिङ्ग संकायका डीन प्रा. रामचन्द्र अर्याल, शिक्षा विज्ञान संकायका डीन लालमणि आचार्य, लेखा नियन्त्रक कमल के.सी., सहायक प्रशासक गगन सिंह बोहरा, उपप्रध्यापक गणेश बहादुर रावत, अनुगमन अधिकृत पारसराम गिरी, वरिष्ठ सहायक गणेश बाहदुर के.सी., उपकुलपतिका निजी सहायक उप प्रध्यापक सुधन गौली, वरिष्ठ सहायक जीवन कुमार थापा, इन्जिनियर महेश शर्मा, वरिष्ठ सहायक सत्या थापा समेत १४ जना उपर अनुसन्धान तहकिकात भईरहेकोले निजहरु पदमा नै बहाल रहँदा अनुसन्धान तहकिकातमा बाधा ब्यबधान पुर्याउन र आफु विरूद्धको प्रमाणहरू नष्ट समेत गर्न सक्ने संभावना भएकोले निजहरुलाई अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोग ऐन, २०४८ को दफा १९ (३) बमोजिम निलम्वन गरी निजहरुलाई यस आयोगमा उपस्थित गराई दिन उपकुलपति, मध्यपश्चिमाञ्चल विश्वविद्यालय सुर्खेतलाई आजै लेखि पठाइएको छ ।

