Budget for Fiscal Year 2016/17 in Education Sector


May 28, 2016
Last updated June 19, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Finance Minister Bishnu Paudel today (i.e. 28 May 2016) presented the annual budget for the next fiscal year 2016/17. Some of the programs for which budget are allocated are:

  1. Rs 26.5 billion has been allocated for the School Sector Development Programme.
  2. Primary education would be made compulsory and free while secondary education would be gradually made compulsory and free.
  3. Special programmes would be introduced to bring dropout children back.
  4. The government would adopt a strategy to prepare human resources needed for the national development within the nation.
  5. Religious educational institutions would be promoted into mainstream.
  6. More teachers would be appointed for Science, English and Mathematics subjects at community schools.
  7. The community schools would gradually adopt English medium education.
  8. Masters level students would be mobilised for volunteerism for six months in their final year of the study.
