Brief History of the Tribhuvan University, first and largest university of Nepal


April 05, 2014
Last updated May 06, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Tribhuvan University is the first, pioneer, largest and eldest university of Nepal which provides higher education to the Nepali students. It was founded as the national institution for higher education in 1959. The university has a national wide network of constituent and affiliated campuses /colleges that provide higher education in different disciplines and subjects and produce high level man power for the over all development of the country. It derives its name from the late King Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah Dev.


The Tribhuvan University started its teaching, research and other academic activities on July 14, 1959 under the Tribhuvan University Act promulgated in the same year. By 1961 it began to offering postgraduate courses in various subjects. The T.U granted recognition to governmental and non-governmental colleges conducting Intermediate and Bachelor level courses of study. Curriculum and reference books of higher education (Intermediate, Bachelor and Masters Level) were prepared, examinations conducted and certificates awarded accordingly.

Tribhuvan University introduced Masters level courses in the faculties like Humanities and Social Sciences, English, Nepali, Sanskrit, Hindi, Political Science, Economics, History and Culture, Geography, Mathematics and Commerce. In 1962 (2018), Masters Level Courses was introduced in Education as well. Masters level courses were introduced in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Zoology in 1966 (2022). Similarly, Post graduation in Sanskrit was established in the T.U. in 1970 (2026).

So in order to establish this university, a fixed plan, policy and programs had been prepared. After conducting series of deliberations, the plan was materialized by the government. Similarly the help of the people and the palace was sought. The then Queen mother rendered not only monetary help to the university but also accepted the Chancellorship to accelerate its development at the initial stage. Her chancellorship continued till King Mahendra himself accepted post in 1962 A.D.

Though the T.U. Act has been amended many times (1959, 1971 and 1993), the post of Chancellor was retained by the King till 2007/08. But from the second democratic movement, Prime Minister of Nepal has become the Chancellor while Ministry of Education and Sports is the ex-officio Pro-Chancellor of the university. The central office of the university consists of the offices of the Vice-Chancellor, Rector, Registrar and University Service Commission.

The Vice-Chancellor (VC) is its chief administrative executive and is appointed by Chancellor upon recommendation of a committee. The VC is assisted by the Rector and Registrar. The Act provides almost all administrative authorities to the Vice-Chancellor. The position of the Rector was created to look after the academic matters where as the Registrar is responsible for the fiscal and personnel administration

The Tribhuvan University has five decisions -making bodies

(1) The Tribhuvan University Council

(2) Executive Council

(3) Academic Council

(4) Planning Council

(5) Research co-odination Council ( Tribhuvan University, 2003: 2).

The Tribhuvan University Council is the supreme body of the university with overall powers and functions regarding policy, plans, budget, university rules, and formation of special committees and commissions

Executive Council implements and makes operational decisions while the decisions of the University Council accepts donation to the university, grants affiliated to private campuses and makes decisions on appointments.

Academic Council makes decision on curriculum, teaching, examination and

research. Planning Council has an advisory role of preparing plans (long-term and short-term), developing annual programs and evaluating program implementation.

Research Co-ordination Council makes policies about the T.U. research activities.

Tribhuvan university is an autonomous institution. It is mainly financed by Government of Nepal. The T.U. consists of four faculties and five institutions, each of which is headed by a Dean. Each faculty or institution has its own faculty board which approves the syllabus prepared by the Subject Committees for each subject offered within that

faculty or institution which are given below:

Four Faculties

  1. Humanities and Social Sciences

  2. Management

  3. Education

  4. Law

Five Technical Institutes

1 Medicine

2 Engineering

3 Forestry

4 Agriculture and Animal Sciences

5 Science and Technology.

The Tribhuvan University has four specialized research centers, each headed by an Executive Director. They are:

1. Center for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA)

2. Center for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS)

3. Research Center for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST)

4. Research Center for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID)


