B.Ed and M.Ed Affiliation Notice from TU Faculty of Education


September 19, 2017
Last updated June 10, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Tribhuvan University Faculty of Education publishes a notice for interested constituent and affiliated colleges who want to run B.Ed and M.Ed programs. 

  1. Constituent Campuses who are running B.Ed programs with affiliation from Tribhuvan University or affiliated colleges who have already crossed 5 years of operation of B.Ed program can apply to run M.Ed programs. 
  2. Colleges who are currently running M.Ed programs can apply to add subjects, to add subjects in B.Ed program
  3. Community and Institutional campuses who want to open new campus.

Important Dates and Information 

  1. Application deadline: 2074 Kartik 24
  2. Form Fee: Rs. 1000
  3. Application registration Fee: Rs. 15,000
  4. Feasibility Study Fee:
    1. Inside Kathmandu Valley: Rs. 25,000
    2. Outside Kathmandu Valley: Rs. 50,000

Conditions to be met by educational institutions seeking affiliation to run four-year B.Ed. and M.Ed. programs

  1. Campus Premises (Campus Area): For the operation of the campus, the campus must have land available in its ownership under the following minimum classifications:
    1. Himalayan and Hilly Urban Areas: Three and a half ropani
    2. Himalayan and Hilly Rural Areas: Two ropani
    3. Terai Madhesh Urban Areas: Five kaththa
    4. Terai Madhesh Rural Areas: One bigha

      If the campus does not have land in its name, it must make the necessary arrangements within five years of receiving affiliation.
  2. Building and Classrooms: The campus must have its own building and separate classrooms for each specific specialization subject for which affiliation is sought. If the campus does not currently have its own building, it must be able to construct its own building within seven years of receiving affiliation.
  3. Subject Teachers: In the year the program is operated, at least one full-time teacher for each specialization and Professional subject with an M.Ed. in the relevant subject must be appointed through a competition in accordance with Tribhuvan University regulations. However, for subjects in which no M.Ed. has been produced, an M.A.M.Sc. with three years of experience or a one-year B.Ed. must be appointed. In addition, teachers who will teach on the affiliated campus must submit a covenant along with their personal details stating that they will teach regularly for up to three years.
  4. Campus Chief: The minimum qualification for the campus chief of campuses where the Faculty of Education program is operated, and for assistant campus chiefs and coordinators in the case of multidisciplinary campuses, is a second division in the postgraduate level of the Faculty of Education.
  5. Feeder Educational Institutions: At least five secondary schools must be near the campus.
  6. Campus Management Committee: The institution seeking new affiliation must have formed an ad hoc committee of the campus management committee at the time of applying. In addition, the campus management committee must be formed in accordance with Tribhuvan University regulations within two months of receiving affiliation. However, the existing management committee will be recognized if other faculties are already operating.
  7. Campus Monitoring Fee: The campus must pay the Dean's Office an annual monitoring fee of Rs. 5000/—to monitor whether the campus is operating in accordance with the campus regulations.
  8. Annual Work Plan: The campus's annual work plan must be submitted to the Dean's Office within three months of the start of the academic session.
  9. Collaborating Schools: Letters of commitment from the management committees and administrations of at least five secondary schools in the vicinity of the campus stating that they have allowed the students and teachers sent by the campus to conduct teaching practice and observation for the teaching practice of undergraduate and postgraduate students must be submitted compulsorily.
  10. Student Numbers: If less than ten students are enrolled in each specialization subject for which affiliation is granted, the subject may not be operated. If no students are enrolled for two consecutive years, the subject must be processed according to the subject addition procedure if it is desired to be operated later.
  11. New private and community campuses opening in affiliation with the university must be at least 5 kilometers away from the university's constituent campuses, except for different subjects.
  12. When granting affiliation, the distance between community or private campuses operating the same program and level of the university should be 1 kilometer within Kathmandu Valley and metropolitan municipalities, 3 kilometers within other municipalities, and more than 6 kilometers within rural municipalities.
  13. The campus must have adequate computers, projectors, and internet facilities.
  14. All the conditions mentioned in Schedule 5 of the University Organization and Educational Administration Regulations 2050 (with amendments up to 2073/9/20) must be met.
  15. The Academic Council of Faculty of Education will determine other conditions in addition to those mentioned herein.

For more information, please read the notice below.

