BA-3rd year, LLM first year and I.Ed first year result published


February 05, 2015
A-Levels 2025

Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination today published the results of Bachelor of Arts (BA)-2071, I.Ed first year 2071 and 3 years LLM First year 2070. 

Students can view their results in

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Result statistics of BA Third year

  1. Number of students in BA Third year: 9932
  2. Total number of passed students: 3826
  3. Pass percentage:38.52%

Result statistics of I.Ed first year 

  1. Number of students in I.Ed first year: 366
  2. Total number of passed students: 78
  3. Pass percentage:21.31%

Result statistics of 3 year LLM First year 

  1. Number of students in I.Ed first year: 34
  2. Total number of passed students: 16
  3. Pass percentage:47.05%

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