4 years BBS program of Tribhuvan University salient features and opportunities

Jeewan Bajracharya

April 05, 2014
Last updated October 06, 2021
A-Levels 2025

From this session, TU, FOM has decided to run the BBS programme with 4 years . Before, this programme was only of three years. One of the main aims of launching this 4 years BBS programme is to provide international recognition to BBS programme like other programme of TU. Obviously, before lunching BBS with 4 years, student completing BBS with three years were also eligible for MBA study under TU, FOM. But, those students who want to go abroad for their higher studies after BBS have to do one year course more to meet credit hour. Now, after converting 3 years BBS in to 4 years, this programme, from all aspect has gain international recognition. Now, confusion to the students regarding BBA or BBS study has removed. Those students who are financially weak have to forcefully need to decide BBS study due to expensive BBA programme. Now, after being BBS and BBA parallel, all students has got the opportunity to study BBS equivalent to BBA with minimum cost.  

After converting BBS programme with 4 years, there is no more difference between BBS and BBA. In the beginning, when TU has launched BBA with 4 years , the attraction of students, parents and employer have increased on it due to new, expensive and international recognition programme.  

Under BBS programme, TU, FOM has focused to provide the minimum knowledge of all subjects required to a middle level manager. Where as, BBS is pure management study programme and TU has focused to provide all the knowledge of management required to a middle level manager.  

Under BBA, exam is conducted in semester system where as in BBS there is a provision of conducting the exam in annual system. Therefore, the students studying BBS have less exam preparation burden where as student studying BBS have more exam preparation burden and has to put more effort in exam. 

Taking to the Associate Prof. Dr. Ashok Kumar Jha, he says that "in BBA, students are more practical where as in BBS, students are more theoretical." 

Assistant Dean of TU, FOM, Hari bahadur Dahal, says that student studying BBA will be conform to work in bank, financial institution and some business areas where as student studying BBS will be conform to work in all the sector of business areas, but due to absence of computer study, it takes time to them to be perfectly qualified.  

Asking to the Assistant Dean, Hari Bahadur Dahal "why is annual system of examination in BBS even after making it 4 years?" he gave the reason of difficulty in conducting exam due to large number of students' enrolment in BBS. He further added that it will go on in semester system phase-wise and will be started from master level in very near future. 

Find key information regarding Syallbus, eligibility etc for BBS 4 years program here 

About Author: Jeewan Bajracharya is working as Teaching Assistant: M. M. Campus, Dharan and is also the director of Alpine College, Dharan
