B.Sc first year and LLB First year (Back) result published


July 23, 2015
A-Levels 2025

Tribhuvan University office of the controller of examination, Balkhu today published the results of 3  years & 4 Years Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) first year (Back)-2071 and LLB First year (Back)-2071 results. 

The examination of both 3 years/4 years B.Sc first year-Back and LLB First year (Back) was held on Kartik-Marg 2071.

You can view your result online at tu.edusanjal.com  

Colleges can view the results of their students by login to tu.edusanjal.com/college 

Result statistics: 

Result Statistics LLB First year (Back)

  • Total number of students appearing for the exam: 1936
  • Passed Students: 762
  • Pass percentage: 39.35%

Result Statistics 3 Years/4 years B.Sc First year (Back)

  • Total number of students appearing for the exam: 5379
  • Passed Students: 1752
  • Pass percentage: 32.57%
