115,834 Students Eligible for SEE Grade Improvement Exams

June 27, 2024
Last updated June 29, 2024
115,834 Students Eligible for SEE Grade Improvement Exams
Teaching Reinvented

A total of 115,834 students are gearing up for the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) Grade Improvement tests scheduled for Shrawan 18 and 19. This initiative aims to provide students with an opportunity to enhance their academic performance following recent results.

Among these students, 48,038 received an NG (Not Graded) in one subject, while 67,800 students faced this outcome in two subjects. Today's announcement follows the release of SEE results, which showed 242,000 students across Nepal received an NG.

Dr. Mahashram Sharma, Chairman of the National Examination Board, confirmed that students who received an NG in two subjects will sit for the Grade Improvement Examination on the designated dates. He stressed the importance of this opportunity for students to improve their academic standing.

Detailed results and further information are accessible online, via SMS, and through IVR services. Interested parties can review the SEE results at see.edusanjal.com.