FAQ: Fee Structure

Edusanjal incorporates the fee structure of School/College/University-specific degree/non-degree programs along with Academic program-specific fee structure.

Where can we find the course-specific fee details?

Course-specific details of fees are available in the courses section on our website. Please follow this link: https://edusanjal.com/course/ 

Note: Some courses do not have information regarding fees.

Where can we find the college-specific fees details of programs?

Details of each and every program offered by specific schools and colleges are available on our website. 

Please follow this link for school-specific programs: https://edusanjal.com/school/

Please follow this link for college-specific programs: https://edusanjal.com/college/

What is the fee structure of programs offered by Kathmandu University?

University-specific details of the course fees are available in the courses section on our website. Please follow this link: https://edusanjal.com/course/

Note: Some courses do not have information regarding fees.

What is the fee structure of programs offered by Purbanchal University?

University-specific details of the course fees are available in the courses section on our website. Please follow this link: https://edusanjal.com/course/

Note: Some courses do not have information regarding fees.

What is the fee structure of the programs offered by Pokhara University?

University-specific details of the course fees are available in the courses section on our website. Please follow this link: https://edusanjal.com/course/

Note: Some courses do not have information regarding fees.

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