You can find everything related to results, exam-form filling notice, exam schedules, and routines here:
If you do not find the notice that you are looking for, please note that the universities hold the authority to publish exam-related information. Once they publish the notice, we circulate it as soon as possible via our social media handles and website.
You can find everything related to results, exam-form filling notice, exam schedules, and routines here:
If you do not find the notice that you are looking for, please note that the universities hold the authority to publish exam-related information. Once they publish the notice, we circulate it as soon as possible via our social media handles and website.
Course-specific details of fees are available in the courses section on our website. Please follow this link:
Note: Some courses do not have information regarding fees.
For CTEVT transcript follow the following process:
Required Documents:
Note: It takes 3 working days for the document to be ready