Edusanjal is presenting a series of events titled "The Road Ahead," devoted to career guidance for students on various fields of study. At Edusanjal, we think that to help students become more self-sufficient, resilient, and confident about their future is critical to have skilled experts who understand their needs and are equipped to assist them with solutions that meet their future demands.
The first in the series will be on Hospitality and Tourism Studies. It will be hosted in collaboration with the International School of Tourism and Hotel Management (IST College) on the college's grounds. Career prospects are developing at a consistent rate due to this service-oriented industry's continual success. This industry provides a challenging yet enjoyable work environment and rewards such as the ability to travel and work in a variety of places across the world and the opportunity to firsthand experience diverse cultures. This program seeks to raise knowledge of the Tourism and Hospitality industry and investigate the different sub-sectors and distinct profiles/jobs it provides.
On the 12th of January, the event will begin at 1 PM on the grounds of IST College.
This Edusanjal effort comes when the education sector is experiencing numerous unprecedented upheavals due to the pandemic. These sessions aim to help students make an informed decision when picking a course, therefore reducing the added stress in their life associated with choosing the correct career path.
We believe that our efforts will assist students in realizing their objectives and achieving their ambitions more effortlessly than they are currently. In this time of dwindling career-building chances, your brilliant ideas will be invaluable in assisting our participants and us in reaching our purpose. We hope you will help us in making our event a success.