International Conference on Sustainable Business and Management 2024

July 05, 2024 03:15
July 06, 2024 11:15
International Conference on Sustainable Business and Management 2024

Gupteshwor Mahadev Multiple Campus (GMMC) announces the International Conference on Sustainable Business and Management, which is in association with Shinawatra University (SIU), Thailand, and Aadikabi Bhanubhakta Campus (ABC), Tanahun, Nepal, and supported by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in Nepal.

Event Details:

Panel Discussion Guest Speakers

  • Dr. Baburam Bhattarai PhD (Former Prime Minister of Nepal)
  • Dipendra Bahadur Chhetri (Former Vice Chairman of National Planning Commission, Nepal, Former Governor of NRB)
  • Prof. Dilli Raj Sharma, PhD (Dean, Faculty of Management Tribhuvan University)
  • Anandaraj Mulmi (Former Chairman Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  • Amit Shrestha (Chief-SME/Micro Finance/Sustainable Banking Nabil Bank)
  • Surya Bahadur G.C., PhD (Session moderator, Associate Professor, PU)

Key Note Speakers

  • Prof. Mahananda Chalise PhD (Faculty of Management Tribhuvan University)
  • Prof. Indra P. Tiwari, PhD (Faculty of Development Studies, Pokhara University)
  • Sarana Photchanachan PhD (Dean, Faculty of Management, Director, Research and Innovation Center, QS Leader, Shinawatra University)
  • A.K. Mahbubil Hye PhD (Chairperson of Logistics and Supply Chain, Faculty of Management, Shinawatra University)

Conference Patrons

  • Prof. Dev Raj Adhikari, PhD (Chairman University Grants Commission, Nepal)
  • Prof. Keshar Jung Baral, PhD (Vice Chancellor Tribhuvan University)
  • Prof. Dilli Raj Sharma PhD (Dean, Faculty of Management, TU)
  • Assoc. Prof. Sarana Photchanachan, PhD (Dean, Faculty of Management, Director, Research and Innovation Center, QS Leader, Shinawatra University)
  • Shree Ram Subedi (Chairman, Gupteshwor Mahadev Multiple Campus, Pokhara)
  • Mr. Dharma Raj Baral (Campus Chief Gupteshwor Mahadev Multiple Campus, Pokhara)
  • Mr. Maha Prasad Hadkhale (Campus Chief, Aadikabi Bhanubhakta Campus, Tanahun)

Conference Chair

  • Mr. Mohan Bhandari, Assistant Campus Chief/ Co-Ordinator, Research Management Cell, Gupteshwor Mahadev Multiple Campus, Pokhara

Conference Advisory Board

  • Mr. Laxuman Banstola Chairman, Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave Management Committee
  • Mr. Khagaraj Sharma Acharya Founder Chairman, CMC, GMMC
  • Prof. Bhupati Dhakal “Kamal”, PhD Former Chairman, CMC, GMMC
  • Prof. Tankaraj Adhikari, PhD Former Chairman, CMC, GMMC
  • Mr. Bishnu Prasad Paudel Advisor CMC, GMMC
  • Mr. Tirtha Raj Adhikari Advisor CMC, GMMC
  • Mr. Jhapindra Raj Regmi Advisor CMC, GMMC
  • Mr. Ritunath Lamsal Vice-Chairman, CMC, GMMC
  • Mr. Yubak Lamichhane Treasurer, CMC, GMMC
  • Mr. Buddhi Man Shrestha Chairman, CMC, ABC
  • Mr. Ghanashyam Tiwari Former Campus Chief, GMMC
  • Assoc. Prof. Arjun Bahadur Bhandari TU Representative GMMC
  • Prof. Lekhnath Bhattarai, PhD Prof. Min Pun, PhD
  • Prof. Vikash Kumar K.C., PhD Prof. Hari Pathak, PhD
  • Mr. Surya Bahadur G.C, PhD Mr. Devilal Sharma, PhD
  • Mr. Umesh Singh Yadav, PhD Mr. Resamlal Poudel

Organizing Committee

Convenor: Manoranj Sharma

  • Mr. Ramji Prasad Poudel
  • Mr. Durganath Pudel
  • Mr. Prakash Chandra Giri
  • Mr. Raj Kumar Subedi
  • Mr. Jitendra Thapa
  • Mr. Maheshwor Dhakal
  • Dr. Bijay Sigdel, PhD
  • Mr. Suresh Kumar Baral
  • Mr. Rishi Ram Baral
  • Mr. Sagar Poudel
  •  Mr. Surendra Karki
  • Mr. Shivam Shahi Thakuri
  • Mr. Lekhnath Baral
  • Mr. Jamuna Aryal
  • Mr. Sanjaya Paudel

Conference Sub-Themes

Sub Themes

Papers in the theme in the following sectors but not limited to are solicited: Applications in Education, Health, Financial institution, corporate sector, public and private sectors.

1. Sustainable Finance and Banking

  • Green and Impact Investing
  • Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)
  • Sustainable Financial Products and Services
  • Climate Risk Management in Finance
  • Financial Inclusion Strategies
  • Sustainable and Ethical Banking Practices

2. Sustainable HR

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • Employee Well-being and Mental Health Programs
  • Sustainable Talent Acquisition and Retention
  • Leadership Development for Sustainability
  • Inclusive HR Policies and Practices
  • Employee Engagement for Sustainable Performance

3. Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management

  • Eco-friendly and Green Tourism Practices
  • Community-Based Tourism Initiatives
  • Responsible Wildlife Tourism
  • Sustainable Hotel and Accommodation Management
  • Technology Integration in Sustainable Tourism
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation in Tourism

4. Sustainable Marketing

  • Ethical Branding Strategies
  • Consumer Education for Sustainable Choices
  • Green Product Development & Marketing
  • Social Media for Sustainable Brand Promotion
  • Metrics for Measuring Sustainable Marketing Impact
  • Collaborative Marketing for Sustainability

5. Business Sustainability

  • Sustainable Business Operations and Supply Chain
  • Sustainable Innovation and Technology Integration
  • Eco-friendly product design and packaging
  • Employee wellbeing and work-life balance
  • Sustainable business models and circular economy strategies
  • Assessing business sustainability performance

6. Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance

  • Integrating CSR into Corporate Strategy
  • Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Ventures
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration
  • CSR Reporting and Transparency
  • Regulatory Compliance and Corporate Governance
  • Board Diversity and Effectiveness
  • Ethics and Integrity in Corporate Governance
  • Shareholder Activism for Sustainability
  • Role of Technology in Governance
  • Risk Management and Corporate Governance

7. Sustainable Development

  • Poverty alleviation and economic development initiatives
  • Gender equality and women empowerment
  • Community-based participatory approach to sustainable development
  • Rural development and agricultural sustainability
  • Disaster risk reduction and climate resilience measures
  • Governance and policy framework for sustainable development

Abstract Submission

The abstract should be typed in English, and should not include any mathematical notations. Each submission must contain the following:

  • Paper title
  • Abstract of not more than 250 words
  • Author (s) name (s), organization, full mailing address, email address, with an indication of author (s) presenting the paper
  • Topic of paper and additional topics if not included in the list.
  • Authors can email their abstracts to or here.
  • Accepted abstracts of registered author (s) will be published as proceedings.
  • Selected manuscript will be published in the special issue of the GMMC Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Registration Details

Participants Nepal (NPR) Nepal (NPR) SAARC Country (NPR) SAARC Country (NPR) Foreign (USD) Foreign (USD)
  Early Bird General Early Bird General Early Bird General
Student 1500 2000 2000 2500 50 60
Faculty 2000 2500 2500 3000 60 70
Institutional 3000 3500 3500 4000 70 80

Registration Dates:

  • Early Bird Registration: 10th June 2024
  • General Registration: 25th June 2024
  • Abstract Submission: 25th June 2024
  • Abstract Acceptance: 28th June 2024
  • Full Paper Submission: 1st July 2024
  • Conference: 5th and 6th July 2024

Payment Details

Account No.: 28400106898203000001
Account Name: Gupteshwor Mahadev Multiple Campus
Bank Name: Nepal Bank Limited

Branch: Birauta, Pokhara


Location: Rajmahal, Pokhara-17, Kaski

For directions to the venue location, click HERE.

To register for the conference and submit your research paper, visit HERE.

Contact Details


  • +977 61 455677 (Office)
  • +977 98560 01605 (Conference Chair)

