Colleges offering Pre-Diploma in Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering (Sanitation Sub-overseer) under CTEVT
Pre-Diploma in Water Supply and Sanitation Engineering (Sanitation Sub-overseer) is a 2 years program. After 2 years students have to attend 5 months on the job training (OJT).
This curriculum is designed to implement in the Technical schools under CTEVT to produce basic level water supply and sanitation sub-overseers in the country. These basic water supply and sanitation workforces called water supply and sanitation sub-overseer would be the key persons to provide repair and maintenance service in the plumbing and pipe installation peripheral level. They
are absorbed by water supply and sanitation engineering organizations, as water supply and sanitation sub overseers and other NGOs and INGOs for the development of the communities of Nepal emphasizing on the plumbing installation, and repairing and maintaining of drinking water pipes as well as fittings of bathroom and other plumbing and sanitation related places
This is the competency based and market oriented curriculum guide for sanitation which is designed to produce competent skillful sanitation workers equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes. This curriculum focuses on basic sanitation works so as to contribute in the national streamline of the use of sanitation equipment and repair and maintenance of sanitation devices used in the country. It aims at providing ample opportunities for the employment in the related sector, mainly entrepreneurship development of the graduates as well as in national and international employment market.
The aim of the programme is to produce water supply and sanitation sub-overseer to provide water supply and sanitation services to the people by performing occupation related tasks independently and accurately.
After the completion of the training program the trainees will be able to:
- Explain the meaning of water supply and sanitation
- Install basic electrical components
- Perform basic mechanical functions
- Repair and maintain water pipes
- Repair and maintain of plumbing works
- Interpret water supply and sanitation drawing
- Find faults in plumbing system
- Repair and maintain faults of plumbing system
- Familiarize with electrical, mechanical and electronic components related with water supply and sanitation system
- Familiarize with basic computer and computerized drawing system
Salient Features
Course Duration:
This course will be completed within 18 months (40 hrs/week X 39 weeks a year = 1560 hrs.) class plus 6 months (40 hrs/week X 24 weeks = 960 hrs. on the job training (OJT).
Group size:
The group size will be maximum 40 (forty) in a batch.
Medium of Instruction:
The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali language.
Pattern of Attendance:
The students should have minimum 90% attendance in theory classes and practical/performance to be eligible for internal assessments and final examinations.
Teaching Learning Methodologies:
The methods of teaching for this curricular program will be a combination of several approaches such as
- Theory: lecture, discussion, assignment, group work, question-answer.
- Practical: demonstration, observation, guided practice and self-practice.
Grading System
The grading system will be as follows:
Grading Overall Marks
Distinction 80% or above
First division 75% to below 80%
Second division 65% to below 75%
Third division Pass aggregate to below 65%
Certificate Awarded:
The council for technical education and vocational training will award certificate in “Technical School Leaving Certificate in Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering” to those graduates who successfully complete the requirements as prescribed by the curriculum.
Individuals with following criteria will be eligible for this program:
- SEE passed
- Students should pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT
Job Prospects
The graduate will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 2nd class/level 4 (technical) as prescribed by the Public Service Commission or other relevant organizations.