Colleges offering Pre-Diploma in Hotel Management under CTEVT
This programme is based on the job requirement in the hospitality industries, especially in hotel sector. This course provide practical exposure in different department of a hotel such as; front office, housekeeping, food and beverage service and food production department. This course offers nine subjects within the 12 months period of time inside the training institute and 24 weeks OJT after
completion of 12 months training. In every subject, topical explanations will be followed by demonstrations by instructors and in all tasks, trainees will be asked to practice by themselves through do-it-yourself/hands-on exercises so that they can internalize what they learn in the classroom.
This curriculum is designed to produce entry level human resources in the field of Hotel Management. The graduates will be equipped with required knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for this level of technicians to meet the demand of the hospitality industry in the country and aboard. It especially focuses on the practical classes to make students competent to work as an assistant level technical staff in any department of a hotel. It also imparts skill and knowledge to make students able to operate a small scale hotel by their own.
This course will be completed within 18 months (40 hrs/week X 39 weeks a year = 1560 hrs.) class plus 6 months (40 hrs/week X 24 weeks a year = 960 hrs.) on the job training (OJT). The on-the-job training is evaluated in 500 full marks. The evaluation of the performance of the student is to be carried out by the three agencies; the concerned institute, OJT provider industry/organization and the CTEVT Office of the Controller of Examinations. The student has to score minimum 60% for successful completion of the OJT.
The aim of Pre-Diploma in Hotel Management program is to produce entry level workforce equipped with basic skills, knowledge and attitude in the field of hotel Management and they will be able to work efficiently and effectively in all the Departments of hotels and overall management of a small scale hotels.
The main objective of Pre-Diploma in Hotel Management program is to produce human resource that will be able;
- To manage and/or operate small scale hotel/lodge/restaurant.
- To get employment in the hospitality industries within the country and abroad.
- To perform basic skills required for all departments in hotel including; Food Production,F&B Service, Front Desk and Housekeeping Departments.
- To understand the hospitality communicative language required for hospitality industries.
Salient Features
Medium of Instruction:
The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali language.
Group size:
The group size of this program will be not more than 40.
Pattern of Attendance:
The students should have minimum 90% attendance in theory classes and practical/performance to be eligible for internal assessments and final examinations.
Instructors' Qualification
- Bachelor degree in the related field or Diploma in the related field with four years' experience
- Good communicative/instructional skills
- Experience in the related field
Teacher and Student Ratio:
- Overall ratio of teacher and student must be 1:10 (at the institution level).
- Teacher and students ratio for theory class should be as per nature of classroom
- Teacher and student ratio for practical should be 1:10
- Minimum 75% of the teachers must be fulltime.
Certificate awarded:
The council for technical education and vocational training will award certificate of “Technical School Leaving Certificate in Hotel Management” to those students who successfully complete the requirements as prescribed by the curriculum.
1. Should have passed SEE
2. Should pass entrance examination administered by CTEVT
3. Final selection will be made on the basis of merit list.
4. Candidates should submit the following documents at the time of application:
- SEE pass certificate
- Character certificate
- Citizenship certificate (for the name, parents' name, age, date of birth and address verification purpose only)
5. Special quota for different category of students will be as per the policy of CTEVT
6. Preference will be given to female, Dalit, Janjati, Conflict affected people and Disadvantaged Groups ( DAGs)
Job Prospects
The graduate will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 2nd class/level 4 (technical) in the government related organizations or as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal or the concerned authorities (hospitality industries) of the Republic of Nepal.
Curricular Structure
Course Structure of Pre-Diploma in Hotel Management
This course will be completed within 18 months (40 hrs/week X 39 weeks a year = 1560 hrs.) class plus 6 months (40 hrs/week X 24 weeks a year = 960 hrs.) on the job training (OJT).
Download Curriculum of Pre-Diploma in Hotel Management_2016.pdf