Colleges offering Post Graduate Diploma in Social Studies under Tribhuvan University
Post-Graduate Diploma in Social Studies is a one year-two semesters program at Tribhuvan University. The post gradaute program aims to offer graduates from several disciplines the chance to deepen their awareness of the significance of social policies in the development of functional and fair societies.
The program focuses on the following aspects:
- methods for teaching social studies,
- issues and conflicts in social studies education,
- research and findings in social studies education,
- interrelationship between society and education,
- integrated practice in social studies.
BA with major history, political science, economics, sociology, anthropology, geography, social works, rural development in second division or CGPA 2.7/ Grade B.
Curricular Structure
Semester-wise breakdown of the course:
First Semester
- Sociological perspective in Education
- Fundamentals of Social Studies
- Research Methodology and Information and use of Communication Technology in Social Studies
- Philosophical Foundations of Education
Second Semester
- Educational Psychology
- Nepal Studies
- Teaching Practice
- Project Work (Current Practices and Issues in Social Studies)
- Method of Teaching Social Studies
- Curriculum and Evaluation